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发布时间:2022-12-17 16:26:14

  相关词汇   anchor n. 新闻(或访谈节目)主播   archaeologist n. 建筑师   baker n. 面包师   beautician n. 美容师   businessman n. 实业家   clerk n. 办事员,店员   designer n. 服装设计师   engineer n. 工程师   interpreter n. 口译员   judge n. 法官   landscape architect/gardener 园艺师   lawyer n. 律师   merchant n. 商人   model n. 模特   occupation n 职业,工作   peasant n. 农民   politician n. 政治家   public servant/official 公务员   salesman n. 推销员   white collar worker 白领阶层
[图片0]   情景对话:   A: Recently, two top ten lists of the most favorable male and female occupations are made by a TV program.   B: Really? What occupations rank the first separately?   A: Well, the male one is the businessman and the female one is the anchor.   B: So reasonable. You know, men and women have different pursuits. Most of men want to achieve huge and splendid accomplishment, while most of women prefer steady and decent jobs.   A: And the public servant ranks the second in both of the groups.   B: Oh, that means both men and women have the needs for steady income and work.   A: I think so, too. And the doctor, lawyer and merchant are categorized in the male list, while the teacher, designer and interpreter are listed in the female one.   B: I also like those three female jobs very much. The investigators have really done a good job. By the way,what do you want to do after graduation?   A: I want to be a judge. That's why I've chosen law as my major.
  参考译文   A:近来,一个电视节目制作了男女各自备受欢迎职业的前十名榜单。   B:真的吗?什么职业分列榜首啊?   A:受男性欢迎的职业是实业家,而受女性欢迎的职业是主持人.   B:挺有道理的。你知道,男性和女性的追求是不同的。大多数男性都想成就一番宏图伟业,而大多数女性却想要拥有稳定体面的工作。   A:公务员在两份榜单中都位列第二名。   B:哦,那就意味着男性和女性都有对于稳定的收入和工作的需求。   A:我也是这么想的。在男性的榜单中,接下来的是医生、律师和商人。女性榜单接下来的是教师、服装设计师和口译员。   B:我也很喜欢女性榜单上的这三个工作。调查人员们的工作确实做得很出色啊。顺便问一下,毕业后你打算做什么工作呢?   A:我想要成为一名法官,这就是我为什么会选择主修法律专业啊。

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