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位置:勤学思培训网USEIRY » 培训新闻 » 文体艺术 » 球类 » 足球 » 总算懂得ktv英语


发布时间:2022-12-17 17:25:47
ktv是Karaoke Television。Karaok是个日英文的杂名,Kara 是日文"空"的意思。KTV,从狭义的理解为:提供卡拉ok影音设备与视唱空间的场所。广义理解为集合卡拉ok等......下面佛山韦博英语小编为大家整理一些关于ktv英语!

ktv英语——Going to KTV

Maya:OK, Allen .It' s your turn .Are you ready?
Allen:I really would rather just listen .Isn' t there anyone else who wants to sing?
Maya:Come on!For two hours we' ve been here, you haven' t sung even one song!

Allen:I know, but...Hey, Stanley' s here!I' ve been waiting to hear him sing.
Maya:Why don' t you put on an Elvis' song for him? He loves "The King".
Allen:I' II put the song at the front of the list.

(A few minutes later...)
Maya:Is Stanley still singing? He' s really hogging the mike!
Allen:I' m afraid so!
Maya:He sounds like a sick cow!I can' t stand it any more.

Allen:Can we adjust the pitch a little? Maybe he' II sound better in a higher key.
Maya:I already tried that .Nothing seems to help.
Allen:Oh my God!

[图片0] 想要提高英语口语?懂英语,会英语是关键哦!上面就是我们佛山韦博英语为您分享ktv英语的日常实用对话。要是想学更全面,更专业的英语知识----欢迎来到佛山韦博英语!

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