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发布时间:2022-12-02 22:23:40
[图片0]   abate v.降低   例句:Everyone living near airports eagerly waits for the noise of planes to abate.   每个住在机场附近的人都期待着飞机的噪声能减弱一些。
  compelling adj.使人非注意不可的,必须接受或同意的   例句:It is not a compelling argument that planes bring much convenience to our life.   飞机给我们的生活带来了很大的方便,这个说法不是很有说
服力。   拓展:persuasive/ convincing/ forceful有说服力的
  compulsion n.冲动   例句:Whenever a plane flies overhead, I have strong compulsionto curse it.   每当有飞机飞过我头顶的时候,我就会有向它大骂的冲动。   拓展:impulsion n.冲动
  contravene v.违背   例句:The night flying of planes has factually contravened laws.   事实上.飞机夜间飞行已经违法了。   拓展:conflict/ infringe/ run afoul of违反
  eschew V.逃避   例句:It is difficult to eschew the current situation, that people   keep on complainting the noise of airports.   不得不面对的现状是。人们一直在投诉飞机的噪声。‘   拓展:shun/stay clear of逃避
  forefront n.名列前茅   例句Planes have always been at the forefront of capacity in all transportations.   飞机的承载量确实在所有的交通工具中名列前茅。
  gospel truth不争的事实   例句 Indeed, it is a gospel truth that planes cause much contamination. However, selfopinionatedly, it is still better than other transportations.   的确,飞机造成了很大的污染.这是一个不争的事实。然而,在我个人看来,它还是比其他的交通工具要好一些。
  gratifying adj,令人高兴的,令人满意的   例句:It is hard for me to find another transportation which is as gratifying as planes are.   我很难找出另外一种像飞机这么出色的交通工具了。   拓展:enjoyable/ satisfying/ pandering令^满意的
  alacrity n.欣然   例句:Seemingly, we, with alacrity, have accepted cars and troubles they bring.   似乎,我们已经欣然接受了汽车以及汽车带给我们的麻 烦。   拓展:briskness/ pleasure/ satisfaction高兴,满意
  consensus n.共识   例句:It is a consensus that the invention of cars is a symbol of human prosperity.   汽车的发明是人类繁荣的一个象征.对此.人们感同身受。   拓展:accord/ agreement同意
  head-on直接地   例句:It would be the best way head-on for us to refuse the using of cars   直接拒绝使用汽车对于我们来说确为明智之举。   拓展:directly/ straight/ with the front foremost直接
  head-way进展   例句:So far, governments have made no head-way in controlling traffic congestion.   到目前为止,政府在控制交通堵塞方面没有取得太多进展。   拓展 breakthrough/ advancement/ progress突破,进步
  intractable adj.困难的   例句:It is an intractable problem for governments to encourage public transportation.   鼓励公共交通对于政府来说是一个大大的难题。   拓展:unmanageable/ thorny/ wild棘手的


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