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终于明白节省开支 英语

发布时间:2022-12-03 23:04:42
  A: Tony, I think we spend too much.   B: Really? So where do you think we can save more money?   A: Well, we could eat in more. That 400 Yuan for entertainment is mostly going to restaurants.   B: That's a good idea, and you like to about the books?   A: N0,I need my hooks.   B:Come on. if we save more money we can retire earlier, and you will actually have time to read all those hooks you buy.   A: Well, what about the 200 Yuan spent on a pair of trousers? You could have gotten something for less.   B: Ok. Let's compromise, if you agree to only spend 100 Yuan on hooks, I will agree to only spend 120 Yuan for my next pair of trousers.   A: All right. That's sounds fair.
  A:托尼,我觉得我们花得太多了。   B:是吗?那么你觉得我们可以在哪些方面省点钱呢?   A:嗯.我们可以多在家里吃饭。400元的娱乐费多数都是花在餐馆了。   B:这个主意挺好,而且你也喜欢做饭。那么书呢?   A:那个不能省.我得买书。   B:算了吧.如果我们能多存点钱,那么我们就可以早点退休.你也就有时间看完你买的那些书啦。   A:那么你200块钱买的一条裤子呢?你可以买件更便宜的。   B:好了.我们妥协吧。如果你同意买书只用100元的话,我同意下一条裤子只月120元。   A:好的。这样听起来很公平。
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