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发布时间:2022-12-18 07:59:27


  相关词汇   conventional adj. 传统的   cultural adj. 文化的   fresco n. 壁画   genre-painting n. 世态画,风俗画   genuine adj. 真的   imitation n. 仿冒品   influential adj. 有影响力的   Leonardo da Vinci 达.芬奇   Mona Lisa 蒙娜丽莎   movement n. 运动   nude n. 人物裸体画   oil painting 油画   ordinary adj 普通的   particular adj. 特别的   perspective n. 视角,角度   portrait n. 肖像画,画像   realism n. 现实主义   Renaissance n. 文艺复兴时期   sketch n. 素描   technique n. 技巧,技术
[图片0]   情景对话:   A: We discussed Renaissance in today's history class.   B: That's from the 14th century to 17th century, right?   A: Yes. It's a great cultural movement best known for it sartistic developments.   B: I know. Leonardo da Vinci is one of the most influential figures during that period.   A: Yeah. He's so versatile. And when in class, our teacher also showed us pictures of some of his paintings. B: Mona Lisa must be one of them?   A: You bet. The portrait of the lady with a mysterious smile. People just couldn't stop admiring the painter's techniques.   B: Yeah. There're many imitations of it, but I believe the experts know how to tell them from the genuine one.   A: Sure. Well, talking about paintings, is there any particular style of painting that you like?   B: I like oil paintings a lot. What about you?   A: I like the fresco I saw when I was travelling in DunHuang.   B: Well, do you still do sketches?   A: Sometimes. I find myself quite busy lately.   参考译文   A:今天历史课上我们讨论了文艺复兴时期.   B:文艺复兴时期是从14世纪到17世纪,对吧?   A:对,文艺复兴也是伟大的文化运动,这段时期为人所熟知的是当时在艺术上取得的成就。   B:没错,达·芬奇就是那个时期有影响力的人物之一。   A:是啊,他真是多才多艺.上课的时候,老师还给我们看了一些达·芬奇画作的图片。   B:《蒙娜丽莎》的图片肯定看了吧?   A:那当然,看见那幅露出神秘微笑的女士的肖像画,当时大家都不禁赞叹大师的技艺。   B:是啊。现在这幅画世面上有很多仿冒品,不过,我相信专家一定懂得如何鉴别赝品和真迹。   A:那当然啦。说起绘画,你有特别喜欢的作品类别吗?   B:油画是我很喜欢的,你呢?   A:我挺喜欢在敦煌旅游时看到的壁画。   B:哦,你现在还画素描吗?   A:有时候画的,不过近挺忙的。

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