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位置:勤学思培训网KTYKGJ » 培训新闻 » 资格考试 » 健康养生 » 小儿推拿师 » 终于知晓建筑用英语


发布时间:2022-12-18 08:35:16

相关词汇 architect n. 建筑师 architecture n. 建筑(学) arrangement n. 安排,布局 building n. 建筑物 cement n. 水泥 concrete n. 混凝土 construction n. 建造物,建筑物 dome n. 弯顶 foundation n. 地基 garden n. 花园,园林 Gothic adj 哥特式的 monumental adj. 不朽的,意义深远的 Notre Dame de Paris 巴黎圣母院 steel n. 钢,钢铁 trait n. 特征,特点 typical adj. 典型的 unique adj. 独特的 visual adj. 视觉的 Water Cube 水立方(中国国家游泳中心) well-known adj. 知名的
[图片0] 情景对话: A: Here we are. Right in front of the famous Water Cube! B: Yes, look at its unique design. I wonder how the architect came up with such a great idea! A: Let's take a picture here. B: This is really amazing! Now let's move on to thatbuilding with the big dome. A: Urn, I'm already exhausted. B: OK. Let's take a rest. A: Sounds good! Thank you. B: Well, sit down. So how was your trip to France? Tell me everything! A: Oh, that was great! I visited Notre Dame de Paris. It'smore than just a building. It's really a monumental work of art! B: Wow, I wish I could be there. I've heard it's typical of the Gothic style. A: Yes, it is. And you are just back from another business trip to Suzhou, right? B: Yeah, and I managed to find some time to visit some of its well-known gardens. A: Really? How do you like them? B: Very nice. People enjoy such visual beauty there一the arrangement of small hills, trees, bridges, ponds, etc. and the whole construction一they're just wonderful! 参考译文 A:咱们到了,知名的水立方就在咱们眼前了! B:是啊,看看它这独特的设计,真不知道建筑师是怎么想到这样绝妙的创意的! A:咱们在这儿拍张照吧。 B:棒极了!现在我们去看看那边那个带大守顶的建筑吧。 A:哦,我已经累死了。 B:那好吧,咱们休息一会儿. A:不错。谢谢! B:坐下吧。对了。你去法国那次玩得怎么样?给我详细讲讲吧。 A:哦,那次旅游可尽兴了!我参观了巴黎圣母院,它不单是撞建筑物,还真是件不朽的艺术瑰宝! B:哇,真希望我也能去看看。听说巴黎圣母院是典型的哥特式建筑。 A:是的,没错。对了,你刚从苏州出差回来吧? B:是啊,我在那儿抽出点时间去参观了一些知名的园林。 A:真的啊?你觉得怎么样? B:非常不错,给人以一种美的视觉享受—小山、树木、小桥、池塘等等都非常讲究布局,整个园林美极了!

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