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发布时间:2022-12-18 09:05:55

北京朗阁智美教育小编为大家分享toefl作文怎么练习,Which of the following do you think is the best way for students to make new friends? 1) joining a sports team; 2) participating in community activities; 3) travelling.


As far as I am concerned, joining a sports team should be the best way for young adults to make friends and plenty of evidence could support my claim.

To begin with, to win a sport game, individuals require to depend on the shoulders of their teammates and the cooperation with other residents would facilitate the forming the friendship. After a fierce match, two citizens who do not recognize each other at the beginning often become friends. Similar situations are universal and my friend, Anderson's experience could serve as a sound instance. Anderson is such a gay who enjoys playing basketball so much and last year he joined a basketball team. There he met Jackson, another friend of mine, at his first time. At the beginning, they did not know each other. Nevertheless, they became friends immediately after a tough basketball match in which they cooperated with each other to defeat their common rivals. Currently they are best friends and play basketball together after school every day. In this case, I dare to state that the cooperation in a basketball team could account for the rapid forming of their friendship.

In addition, residents in sports teams trend to have same interests and have more possibilities to become friends. There is no doubt that city dwellers in a soccer team are all fans of the world cup and they may idol the same soccer players and have a variety of common topics. For instance, Jack is one of my best friends and he enjoyed swimming. Five years ago, he took part in a swimming team in his university and met Rosy, a beautiful and lovely girl who also enjoyed swimming. They soon became best friends. They went to swimming together every week and helped each other to improve their swimming skills. They also watched the swimming matches of the 2008 year's Olympics games together and talked about their favorite sport star-Phillips. Just last year, they got married and best wishes to them. It is obvious that the common interest enables them to recognize each other and then fall in the river of love.

Taking all into account with above reasons, two main reasons, teamwork in a sport match could be beneficial to the forming of friendship between new-recognized students and the same interests hold by the two citizens who do not recognize each other at the beginning in a sport team would help them become friends in a very short time.





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