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发布时间:2022-12-18 14:34:03

生活中和朋友说再见一般都是很随意的 see you, bye等等,但是职场上我们需要作一定的解释再离开。下面介绍常用商务英语表达,希望可以帮助到各位。


1、闲谈(smalltalk),并不是漫无目的地聊天,而是为了正式会谈而打破僵局(break the ice)的一种谈话方式。

Hey, it’s such a lovely day isn’t it? 今天天气不错哦。

How do youlike Beijing sofar? 你觉得北京怎么样?

Let’s get down to business, shall we? 让我们开始谈正事吧。

2. 如果上班迟到了,怎么办呢?首先要端正态度,向主管或者老板诚恳地道歉。之后再解释迟到的原因。

I’m awfully sorry. 我真的非常抱歉。

May I offermy profoundest apologies? 向您表达我最诚恳的歉意。

I got stuckin traffic. 我路上堵车了。

I was tiedup with some urgent business. 我刚才有点急事。

3. 预定房间:很多时候为了保成工作,人们出差前都是要打电话预订宾馆房间的,本期节目就让大家了解一下如何进行房间预订(room reservation)。

I’d like to reserve a single room forthree nights from March 5. 我想在三月五日订一个单人房间,住三天。

I want totake the one with a front view. 我想要一个朝阳的房间。

I’d like a quiet room away from thestreet. 我想要个不临街的安静房间。

Ok, I’ll take it. 好吧,我就订这个房间了。

4. 饭店入住:出差期间,如果已经进行房间预订(room reservation)了,就可以入住你的饭店了(hotelcheck in)。这里需要注意很多细节词汇,和习惯礼节。

Key cards 房门卡

Breakfastincluded 含早餐

The porterwill take your bag up to room. 工作人员会帮你把行李放到房间里。

5、道别:生活中和朋友说再见一般都是很随意的 see you, bye等等。但是职场上我们需要作一定的解释再离开。

Well, I have an appointment now. I think I have to go. 我还有约好的事情,得走了。

I guess I’d better go now. It’s getting late. 太晚了,我想我得走了。

I’m in quitehurry too, so see you later. 我也有点事情,回头见。

We’re so sorrythat you have to leave. Well, take care of yourself. 你要走了真是太遗憾啦,那么多保重吧。


1. I think


eg: I think if you offer reasonable price, we will place an order at one.


2. I reckon

相比I think, I reckon更加正式。

eg: I reckon it will be more convenient to take a plane to Tokyo.


my opinion/In my view


eg: In my opinion, this project should be postponed.


4. It seems to me/All things considered


eg: All things considered, new technology should be introduced to our company.


5. If you ask me


eg: If you ask me, she is too arrogant.


6. Frankly speaking


eg: Frankly speaking, his suggestion makes sense.



1、heads up: 提前打声招呼,比如提前和市场部的人打声招呼,下个月有一个大活动,需要留出活动预算。

2、top-down: 自上而下。这个决定是管理层直接拍板做的。


3、bottom-up: 自下而上。公司自下而上收集大家的建议。(bottoms up 是干杯的意思,但是总觉得不够文雅,最好还是cheers吧)

4、we’re aiming to: 我们的计划/目标是,比直接的we want to看上去文雅了不止一点半点。

5、we’re targeting: 同上,比如我们计划下周发布新的软件版本,就是we’re targeting next Monday to launch the new version.

6、be doing: 用将来进行时,看起来比较漂亮的表达方式。比如发个邮件给对方,说接下来你会收到系统发送的邮件,就是: you should be receiving a system email on…

7、refer to: 提及,指。比如问对方邮件中的某个数据是不是代表某种含义,are you referring to…? 你是指…吗?

8、would say: 委婉地表达自己的观点,比如对方说了一个不太对的观点,就可以说 I would say that…

9、in the coming days: 接下来一些天。

10、be communicated via email: 通过邮件方式传达/沟通。

11、you’re encouraged to join: 希望大家踊跃报名参加。

12、there’ll be delays in: 将会有延迟。

13、well received: 收到对方邮件/发送的附件时可以回复一句表示收到了。

14、action urgently required: 需要对紧急情况做出处理。

15、in light of: 鉴于什么样的情况,等于be based on.


what time would be convenient for you?你看什么时间比较方便?

I'd like to suggest a toast to our cooperation.我想建议为我们的合作干一杯。

Here is to our next project!为我们下一个项目干杯!

would you please tell me when you are free?请问你什么时候有空?

gald to have the opportunity of visting your ompany and I hope to conclude some business with you。很高兴能有机会拜访贵公司,希望能与你们做成交易。

what I care about is the quality of the goods.我关心的是货物的质量。

please have a look at those samples.请给我看一下那些样品。

I'd like to know any business connections abroad.我想多了解一些你们公司。

I would be happy to supply samples and a price list for you.我很乐意提供样品和价格单给你。

can I have your price list?你能给我价格单吗?

will you give us an indication of prices?你可以给我报一个指示性的价格吗?

I am in charge of export business.我负责出口生意。

I'm thinking of ordering some of your goods.我正考虑向你们订货。

what about the prices?那价格方面怎么样?

Let's call it a deal.好,成交!

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