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发布时间:2022-12-18 14:35:29
1酒店商务 英语 日常用语

1、Wish you a most pleasant stay in our hotel.愿您在我们宾馆过得愉快;2、Goodbye and hope to see you again.再见,希望再见到您。下面介绍酒店商务英语日常用语,希望可以帮助到各位。



morning/afternoon /evening , sir/madam


do you do?您好!(初次见面)

to meet you!很高兴见到您!

are you?您好吗?

Fine, you?很好,谢谢。您好吗?

to our hotel/restaurant.欢迎到我们宾馆(餐厅)来。

you a most pleasant stay in our hotel.愿您在我们宾馆过得愉快。


you (very much).谢谢您(非常感谢)。

are welcome.不用谢。

at all.不用谢。

’s my pleasure.非常高兴为您服务。

you for staying in our hotel.


’m sorry.很抱歉。


’m sorry,It’s my fault.很抱歉。那是我的过错。

to have kept you waiting.对不起,让您久等了。

to interrupt you.对不起,打扰您了。

’m sorry about this.对此表示抱歉。

’s all right.没关系。

beg your pardon.对不起,没听明白

’m sorry,I don’t you repeat that?


a moment,’ll get the manager.您稍等,我去叫经理。


(May)I help you?我能帮您什么吗?

can I do for you.我能为您干点什么?

there anything I can do for you?有什么能为您效劳的吗?

a moment,please.请稍等一下。


, of course.当然可以。




’s at the end of the corridor.在走廊尽头。

is the washroom /restroom/ elevator)?请问卫生间/休息室/电梯在哪儿?

way ,please.请这边走


’s in the lobby near the main entrance.在大厅靠近大门。


/(Watch)your step.请走好。

be careful.请当心。

don’t leave anything behind.请别遗忘您的东西。

’t worry.别担心。

it easy.放心好了。

don’t smoke here. 请不要在这边抽烟。



you later.再见。


you tomorrow.明天见。

and thank you for coming.再见,谢谢您的光临。

and hope to see you again.再见,希望再见到您。

a nice trip! 一路平安!

you a pleasant journey! Good luck!祝您旅途愉快!祝您好运!


shipping advice 与 shipping instructions

shipping advice 是“装运通知”,是由出口商(卖主)发给进口商(买主)的。然而 shipping instructions 则是“装运须知”,是进口商(买主)发给出口商(卖主)的。另外要注意区分 vendor(卖主)与 vendee(买主),consignor(发货人)与 consignee(收货人)。上述这三对词语在英译时、极易发生笔误。

abide by 与 comply with

abide by 与 comply with 都有“遵守”的意思.但是当主语是“人”时,英译“遵守”须用 abide by。当主语是非人称时,则用 comply with 。

例 3:双方都应遵守/双方的一切活动都应遵守合同规定。


Both parties Shall abide by/All the activities of both parties shall comply

with the contractual stipulations.

change A to B 与 change A into B

英译“把 A 改为 B”用change A to B,英译“把 A 折合成/兑换成 B”用change A into B,两者不可混淆。

例 4:交货期改为 8 月并将美元折合成人民币。

Both parties agree that change the time of shipment to August and change US dollar into Renminbi.

ex 与 per

源自拉丁语的介词 ex 与 per 有各自不同的含义。英译由某轮船“运来”的货物时用 ex,由某轮船“运走”的货物用 per,而由某轮船“承运”用 by。

例 5:由“维多利亚”货轮运走/运来/承运的最后一批货将于 10 月 1 日抵达伦敦。

The last batch per/ex/by . "Victoria" will arrive at London on October

(. = Steamship)

in 与 after

当英译“多少天之后”的时间时,往往是指“多少天之后”的确切的一天,所以必须用介词 in,而不能用 after,因为介词 after 指的是“多少天之后”的不确切的任何一天。

例 6:该货于 11 月 10 日由“东风”轮运出,140 天后抵达鹿特丹港。

The good shall be shipped per . "Dong Feng" on November 10 and are due

to arrive at Rottedaml in 140 days. (.= motor vessel)

on/upon 与 after

当英译“……到后,就……”时,用介词 on/upon,而不用 after,因为 after 表示“之后”的时间不明确。

例 7:发票货值须货到支付。

The invoice value is to be paid on/upon arrival of the goods.

by 与 before

当英译终止时间时,比如“在某月某日之前”,如果包括所写日期时,就用介词 by;如果不包括所写日期,即指到所写日期的前一天为止,就要用介词 before。

例 8:卖方须在 6 月 15 日前将货交给买方。

The vendor shall deliver the goods to the vendee by June 15.(or: before

June 16,说明含 6 月 15 日在内。如果不含 6 月 15 日,就译为 by June 14 或者 before June 15。)


便餐 light meal

工作午餐 working luncheon

自助餐 buffet dinner/luncheon

答谢宴会 return dinner

告别宴会 farewell dinner

庆功宴 glee feast

招待会 reception

庆祝中华人民共和国成立四十五周年招待会 Reception Celebrating the 45th Anniversary of the Founding of the People’s Republic of China

鸡尾酒会 cocktail party

茶话会 tea party

包餐/点餐 table d’hote/a la carte

上菜 serve a courst

您的位置在这里 Here is your seat.

请入席 Please have a seat.

欢聚一堂 enjoy this happy get-together

请随便 Please yourself at home./Please enjoy yourself.

请各位随意用餐 Help yourself please.

您喝点什么? what would you like to drink?

现在我提议,为了…和…之间的合作,为了…参议员的健康,干杯! At this point, I propose a toast: to the cooperation between … and … , to the health of Senator…, cheers!

最后,我借主人的酒,提议为…干杯! Lastly, taking up this glass of fine wine, I propose a toast to …

请各位举杯并同我一起为所有在座的朋友们的健康干杯! I’d ask you to raise your glass and join me in a toast ot the health of all our friends present here.

敬您一杯。 Here’s to you.

祝你健康 To your health.

我要为此干杯 I’ll drink to that!

随量 Whatever you like.

我失陪一会儿 Excuse me for a minute.

菜不好,请多多包涵 Hope you enjoy yourself.

女士们先生们,欢迎各位光临,演出很快就要开始了,请尽快就坐。 Ladies and gentlemen, good evening. The concert/show would start soon. Please get yourself seated. Thank you.

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