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总算知道热恋期 英文

发布时间:2022-12-03 23:50:18
  A: This is romantic. How did you find this place?   B:I used to come here when I was in college. This is a nice place to relax and to chat with friends.   A: It's hard to find a quiet place like this in the downtown.   B: The service here is good, too.   A: It's unbelievable, they even have a do they perform?   B: All kinds of music. Classic. Jazz, Rock,R&B and anything you can think the night, they usually have a violinist.   A: I can almost hear the violin. Soft   B: When the sky is clear, you can see the moon shining and the stars you close your eyes, you can feel the breeze blowing gently. It's really an enjoyment.   A: Can we stay here till evening today?   B: Some other time, Vicky. My parents want to meet you this afternoon.   A: Arthur! Why didn't you tell me on the phone? I can't meet them like this. I didn't wear any makeup and this dress is too casual. Above all, I'm not prepared to meet them.   B: Don't worry. You look just as lovely as usual. I like the way you are. They'll like you, too.   A: But.... well, I hope they won't think I'm sloppy.   B: They won't. Waiter! The bill, 's go. They're waiting at home.
  A:这里真浪漫,你是怎么找到这个地方的?   B:我在大学的时候常常来这里,是个放松和跟朋友聊天的地方。   A:在市区很难找到像这里这么安静的地方。   B:这里的服务也很周到。   A:真让人难以置信,他们竟然有乐队。他们都演奏什么?   B:各种类型的音乐。古典乐、爵士乐、摇滚乐、蓝调乐和其他你能想到的任何音乐。通常在晚上还会有个小提琴手。   A:我似乎听到小提琴那轻柔而甜美的琴声。   B:天空晴朗的时候,你还可以看到月亮照耀,群星闪烁。如果你闭上眼睛,你还能感觉到微风的轻抚。那可真是一种享受。   A:我们今天可以待到晚上吗?   B:改天吧,维琪。今天下午我父母想和你见面。   A:亚瑟!你在电话里怎么没跟我说?我不能这样去见他们,我妆都没化.而且这样的衣服也太随便了。重要的是.我还没做好见你父母的准备呢。   B:别担心.你跟平常一样可爱。我就喜欢你现在的样子。他们也会喜欢你的。   A:但是……唉.希望他们不要认为我很拖沓。   B:他们不会那么认为的。服务生,结账。我们走吧。他们在家等着呢。
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