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位置:勤学思培训网SZDFSL » 培训新闻 » 职业技能 » 保健 » 拔火罐 » 总算知晓商务英语初级作文


发布时间:2022-12-19 04:21:26
1商务 英语 初级作文篇一




Thank you for your recent correspondence regarding your account number ____________. We were able to track down the error and have credited your account accordingly. A report to this effect has also been sent to our credit reporting company.

As of this date, your account balance is $_____________.

You are a valued customer and we apologize for any inconvenience this mix-up may have caused. If we may be of further assistance please contact this office at your convenience.



Having had the pleasure of mailing you [name of magazine] every month for the past three years, we were wondering if perhaps you haven't realized that your subscription ran out in [month]

We mailed you our [month] issue and have not yet removed your name from our subscriber's list inasmuch as we felt that you may be unaware that it is time for your renewal.

We have enclosed our renewal subscription card for you which provides for 12 issues of [name of magazine] at the low price of $ per issue, or $ less than the newsstand price. As you can see, this represents a substantial savings.

We are looking forward to hearing from you soon.


TO: All employees

FROM: Management

Lord & Chambers has offered our employees a 15% disount on all merchandise purchased during the Christmas season as their way of wishing you all a Merry Christmas.


In order to receive this discount, you must present your employee identification card at the time of purchase. They have also requested that you limit the use of this discount privilege to purchases made in your own behalf.

Your cooperation in this matter will be appreciated.



You deserve an explanation for what went wrong in our accounting department, and I hope that this letter will serve to resolve our recent difficulties.

I know that you can appreciate the fact that it has taken some time to find out exactly what occurred, and,therefore, please accept our apologies for the delay in this response.

Apparently, your payment was received in a timely fashion,but it was credited to an account which bears a similar name to yours. Therefore, we commenced sending you our standard notices requesting payment, in keeping with our routine policy. Even after the posting error was rectified,our accounting department failed to notify our credit department, which is why you continued to receive our correspondence demanding payment.

I know how exasperating this has been for you and I am deeply sorry that it has taken so long to straighten out this problem. While there is a procedure within our firm to preclude this type of error from occuring, we are reinforcing this procedure.

You have been a valued customer of ours for a long time and we appreciate your affording us the opportunity to serve you. You may rest assured that this problem will not surface again.

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