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发布时间:2022-12-04 01:19:15
关于跳槽的英语对话 对话一
A: I've made a tough decision. Here is my resignation. B : Why? I'm thinking about promoting you. A : To be honest ,I've got a better offer. B : Congratulations ! A :Thank you ! I've really enjoyed working with you. However think it's about time for me to leave.
A:我做了一个艰难的决定。这是我的辞呈。 B:为什么?我正考虑给你升职呢。 A:老实说,我有一个更好的工作机会。 B:那恭喜你了! A:谢谢!真的很高兴能与你共事,但该是我离开的时候了

[图片0] 对话二
( Kate wants to leave. ) A : I've found a new position at another company . B : May I ask you why? A : Well, I feel I've grown professionally as much as I can here , and I need some new challenges. B:I see. Were there any other reasons A:To he honest,the chances for advancement air, gaol ,and the money is just too good to turn down. B :I suppose it's too late to make any sort of counter offer. A: It was the chance of a lifetime ,and I really felt couldn't turn it down. B : Wedd, I'm sad to see you go. But I do want to wish you all the best in your new career.
(凯特想要辞职。) A:我已经在另一家公司找到了一份新工作。 B:为什么呢? A:唔,我觉得在这里能学到的专业知识已到了极限,我需要新的挑战。 B:我懂了。还有其他的原因吗? A:老实说,新公司晋升的机会很好,而且薪水高得简直让人无法拒绝。 B:我想,现在提出任何要让你改变心意的建议都为时太晚了。 A:这是个一生难得的机会,我觉是实在无法拒绝。 B:唔,你要走,我真的很难过,但我真心希望你新工作事事顺利。 以上是杭州外教中国小编为您整理的关于跳槽的英语对话的全部内容。相关课程推荐:杭州青少年英语一对一培训、杭州成人英语一对一培训

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