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发布时间:2022-12-19 12:06:00
1 雅思 口语节日话题



Can you tell me something about the Chinese New Year Festival?( 5 - 8 )

One of the aspects I could tell you about regarding this topic ii that is a national festival celebrated all over China. It is commonly known as the ‘Spring Festival’. This does not mean that it takes place in the spring season. It starts on the first day of the lunar New Year, and lasts for fifteen days. Secondly, it is a very joyous time of the year, with best wishes being sent all around. For instance, there are firework displays, dinner parties, and dumplings at midnight, and the elder generations give money to the youngsters.

126. Why is this Festival so important to Chinese people? ( 5 - 8 )

In the distant past, the animal known as ‘Nian’ in Chinese was believed to eat people. It was afraid of fire, so fireworks were lit to scare the animal away, and so ensure a safe life. Today however, it is only a major time of rest for workers at the beginning of a new working year, and an opportunity to visit family and friends, and be generally happy and joyful.

Could you tell me something about the Lantern Festival? (5 - 8)

One of the aspects I could tell you about regarding the Lantern Festival is that it marks the end of the Spring Festival. In other words it is celebrated on the fifteenth day of the first month of the lunar year.

Why is this Festival so important to Chinese people? ( 5 - 8 )

This day marks the last day of the annual Spring Festival.

Could you tell me something about the Qing Ming Festival? (5-8)

This festival takes place on the fifth of April. Fake money is sold by many stores and burned. The words for ‘burning’ and ‘sending a message’ sound similar in Chinese, so by burning fake money we believe that the money is being sent to the deceased in another world. In addition, flowers and fruit are place on the graves of loved ones.

Why is this Festival so important to Chinese people? ( 5 - 8 )

With this festival we remember relatives and friends that have passed away. It is a time of fond memories about those who we had loved.


1. Do you like to receive gifts?(Why?/ Why not?)

Yeah, I really enjoy receiving gifts from friends because I’m always moved when someone gives me a gift on some special occasion like my birthday. I sometimes receive some books, fruit, tea from my close friends.是的,我真的很喜欢收到朋友的礼物,因为当有人在我生日那天给我送礼物时,我总是被感动。我有时会从我的密友那里收到一些书、水果和茶。

2. What kind of gifts do you like to receive?(Why?)

Actually, I really enjoy receiving books as gifts because I’m a bookworm, reading is my favourite habit.

3. What gifts did you receive in your childhood?

When I was a little boy, I had received a wide variety of gifts that I really liked, such as books, stationery, balls and so on.事实上,我真的很喜欢收到书作为礼物,因为我是书虫,阅读是我最喜欢的习惯。当我还是个小男孩的时候,我收到了很多我喜欢的礼物,比如书、文具、球等等。

4. Do you like giving gifts to people?(Why?/ Why not?)

Yes, I do. I’m pretty into giving gifts to friends because gifts can enhance the friendship between friends, although they will cost much, I still like sending gifts because I believe giving is much more pleasure than taking.


5. What gifts did you give to others in your childhood?

I just remembered when I was young, I was used to send friends something I made by myself, like making a postcard.我只记得我年轻的时候,我习惯了给朋友发一些我自己做的东西,比如做一张明信片。

3 雅思口语激动人心的运动话题

Describe an exciting sport you know.


You should say:

what the sport is

how you know about it

is it difficult

and explain why you think it is exciting.

I think the most popular sport in China is table tennis. It doesn't require intensive facility but only a pair of bats, a table tennis ball and a table, and doesn’t matter what the weather is, and is also easy to learn. You can find people at different ages playing it in the community, even some old people.

Actually, there are several physical benefits of playing table tennis, like your reflexes and hand-eye coordination would become quicker and more refined. And the most important is that it can build your body strength. Though I can’t play it, I often watch table tennis games.

Table tennis is our national ball, and our players have won so many prizes with their excellent skills. Their games always make us excited, and we are proud of them. I enjoy watching the games, and perhaps I’ll learn how to play it soon. In a word, this is a sport with a lot of fun. That’s why I think table tennis is an exciting sport.


Describe a special toy you had in your childhood.

You should say:

what it was

who gave it to you

how often you played with it

and explain why it was special to you.

When I was five years old, I had an accident and was admitted in the hospital. I was required to stay in bed for at least two months. Days in the patient ward wasn’t as dull as I expected it to be. Actually the first week was quite fun. I could watch TV in bed and chat with my fellow “roommates” and my family visited me everyday.

But after a while, the hospital gradually started to lose its charm. I was getting bored when my Dad showed up. With a hat in his hand, he started to perform magic tricks. Out of thin air, he produced a flower and put it in the hat. Guess what happened next? He made a magic cube from the hat.

I was immediately in love with the magic cube. Time seemed to go much faster when my Dad taught me how to play it. Before I knew it, I was running around again. Till this day I play it on a daily basis. It always reminds me of my special bonding time with my Dad.

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