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发布时间:2022-12-19 12:29:35
1 雅思 口语话题关于 演讲



Describe an interesting talk or lecture

You should say:

When you heard it

Where you heard it

What it was about

And explain why you think it was interesting


The speech was given by a manager in a place I was working. He was giving a speech to say goodbye to one of our colleagues who was leaving to set up as an independent consultant, but who had worked at the organisation a very long time, perhaps forty years. Everyone was sad to see this person go, as they were very popular, but we all wished them well and understood why they felt they needed to move on. It was a reasonably big workforce, so about sixty of us had gathered in the open-plan office to say goodbye and present a gift to our departing friend and co-worker.


I think sometimes ‘leaving-do’s’ can be really awkward and embarrassing Everyone stands around self-consciously and there is an excruciating and brief ‘goodbye and thank you’ from the boss, and then everyone stares at the poor person who is leaving whilst they rip open and read a rapidly bought card and mumble their thanks for a rather anonymous gift. This, however, was different. Our manager had made a real effort to prepare a good speech that was funny, well-researched, engaging and genuinely affectionate.


I think the speech was good because it involved everyone, shared funny (but not too private) stories that were relevant to the leaver, and the effort our boss had put into preparing it showed his respect and admiration for the colleague who was departing. The quiz also gave everyone something to talk about, so people could chat and mingle a bit after the presentation. It was also not too long! It held interest, and was appropriate for the context.



Describe a book you have recently read(new)

You should say:

What type/kind of book it was

What it was about

Where you read it

How you felt about the book


I recently read Tagore's Stray Birds. This book contains more than 300 poems, whose themes are common things such as birds, grass, rivers and so on.


The book's greatest feature is always conveys himself understanding and thinking according to natural is good at describing animals and plants in nature. And he wants to emphasized freedom and vitality through careful description. My grandma send me Tagore's Stray Birdsinthe bookstore. She often reminds me to read more books rather than spend lots of time on playingand studying.


At that time, I didn't understand why grandmasentthis book to me. However, when I opened the Tagore's Stray Birds, I was deeply attracted by the poems. This book contains many interesting stories about nature. These stories make me feel the freedom and vitality of life. Through Tagore's Stray Birds, I love life more.


3雅思口语A plan in your life话题

A plan in your life

(that is not related to work or study)

You should say:

What it was about

When you made it

How it worked

And how you felt about the result


范例: Well, to be honest, I’ve got to say it’s a pretty difficult topic for me, cause you might not know this, but most of the time, it’s my mom who does all the planning for me, especially when it is study related. So if I’ve got to choose a plan of mine and tell you a little bit about it, perhaps I can just bring up the one I did for my trip to Sri Lanka.

In fact, way before last year, I bought Lonely Planet Sri Lanka when it was on sale, you know, it’s a guide book. They do all sorts of destinations. And then there was this one day, I realized that edition I had been having was going out of date soon, cause I saw the new version was coming out soon. So I thought it was time to plan a trip soon. You might not know this but normally I would love to go somewhere totally on my own. By accident one of my friends heard about my idea and she said she wanted to join me. So I booked our tickets and the hotel for the first night. We didn’t choose to go with a guided tour group, so we had to do a lot of research online before hand. Luckily I found a good website called tripadvisor which gave me all sorts of information I was desperate to know.

This Chinese New Year, we finally made it to Colombo, which is the capital. Even now, I’m feeling so lucky that I came up with the idea of travelling cause I really had a blast on that beautiful island. What I liked the best was the trip was quite spontaneous. I didn’t make any specific route before hand, so we were just following our heart the whole time. Apart from that, thank god, I checked the weather and that and successfully avoided the north which was pissing down at the time. Where we went, which is along the southwest coast, was sunny throughout the whole journey. Still though, there was something I didn’t arrange too perfectly. I didn’t pre book the hotels so when we got to each new city, we had to look for one ourselves, and the prices were relatively high as well. If I didn’t spend that much money, I would have probably stayed a bit longer. At the same time, my friend who went along seemed to enjoy herself just as much. Anyway, I think I might crack on a new plan for the next journey hopefully really soon.


you have a favorite teacher?



answer + example/experience + reason/result





I like/ admire/ adore…


teaching competence

teaching quality

good lesson plan

clear logic

interesting class

lots of activities in class

positive feedback



talented/knowledgeable 渊博的


Patient/Considerate 关心人的

Sense of responsibility/responsible 有责任感的

sense of humor/humorous 幽默的

encouraging and inspiring 能鼓励/启发学生

Sample answer:

Yes, the teacher that I love the most is Mrs. Wang who taught me English in high school. She is very humorous, who can always make her classes hilarious and interesting, and she is also very encouraging and inspiring, you know she never forced us to learn but tried to motivate us to learn, using some activities in her classes to get us involved.

2. Do you want to be a teacher in the future?



short term speaking… and long term speaking…


未来想不想做教师,很多人可能没有想过这个问题,没有关系, 可以实话实说。如果未来想做老师的话,就可以说一下做老师的好处,或者其他的原因,例如以前有什么老师对你有深刻的影响等等;如果未来不想做老师的话,也可以讲自己计划做别的职业,并且说自己的目标职业有什么好处等等。



sense of achievement

make a positive influence on other’s life

a rewarding and meaningful job

a decent job


gain respect from others

one of my teachers made a great difference to my life…

I have never thought about this question…

I am not sure about that…

Sample answer:

Well, to be frank, I am not quite sure about that, coz I have never thought about being a teacher in the future, but, maybe that is a good idea. I mean, teaching is a really rewarding and decent job, and being respected and loved by students will definitely be a nice thing.

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