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发布时间:2022-12-19 12:37:29
1weekend 雅思 口语话题



do you usually do on weekends?

I usually go shopping with my parents and rent a family movie on Saturday, and I will hang out with my friends. Girls will drink something together and gossip a bit.


are you going to (planning to) do next weekend?

Next weekend, I will hang out with my friends, and find some best-kept secret restaurants to enjoy a meal together. After that, we will go to a jazz club or live house, as I’m a die-hard jazz fan.


do you do in your spare time?

Well, I have lots of hobbies I like to do in my spare time. I am very interested in studying English and I'm also quite into movies - sometimes I combine these two interests by watching British or American movies. What I particularly enjoy doing, though, is playing football- it's so exciting!


do you spend time with your family.

We eat dinner together every night. And during weekends, we sometimes go to cinema or go to grocery to do some shopping together.


did you do last week?

Last weekend, I went to UTS library to prepare for IELTS test with my friends. It was effective to practice spoken English with a partner so that he can pick up my grammar mistakes or pronunciation problem. We also had a big dinner in the evening in China town.


2雅思口语Photo in your home话题

Describe a photo or painting you like in your should say:

Where and when the photo was taken or painted

Which room it is in

What there are in the photo or painting

And explain why you like it




1. 一般现在时,注意必要时动词第三人称单数变形;

2. 一般过去式:注意动词过去式正确变形;

3. 现在完成时:have / has done,注意助动词have / has与人称的正确搭配,以及动词过去分词的正确变形;

4. 现在完成进行时:have / has been doing,注意助动词have / has与人称的正确搭配,以及动词过去分词的正确变形。

话题一开始,利用一个从大到小,从多到少的逻辑形成一个开头句,也就是说在我家里所有的照片中,我最喜欢的是某一张。这里给大家一个示例句型:among all the photos we have in our home,my favorite is always the one that…,之后可以加一个定语从句修饰这样照片,在这个内容中可以将照相的时间以及地点加进去,形成一个复杂句。

接着,可以对当时照这张相的时候背景事件进行一定描述,在这里同学们要注意动词一定要以正确的形式变为过去式,这也是考官重点要纠正的内容。还有一点需要同学们多注意一下,在照相这个内容中我们可以有意的用到一些被动语态来体现语法优势:the picture was taken。

最后,可以描述一下自己喜欢这个照片的原因,表达原因时可以用as;since;for;due to来替换我们平时常用的because。照片对我们来说最重要的意义就是它所承载的回忆(the memory it carries),它也是我们一家人亲情的象征(it is the symbol of the love between the family members),家人才是我们最宝贵的财富(family is the true treasure)!


Among all the photos we have in our home, my favorite is always the one that was taken 7 years ago on my 18th birthday. It brings me a lot of unforgettable memories every time I lay eyes upon it.

On my 18th birthday, my father suggested that we should go to the South Mountain and have a day off there, so we set off early in the morning to avoid the rush hour, and after two-hour driving, we arrived at the spot. As soon as we finished setting up the tent, we went hiking for two hours and enjoyed the natural view. Then we got back to our tent to have some delicious barbecue for lunch. I ate so much that I could barely move. After resting a while, we decided to ride horses on the mountain, and that’s when the picture was taken. My father, my mother, my sister and I were riding on horses, beautiful smiles were on our faces, and the horse keeper helped us capture the precious moment.

My father developed the photo a few days later with the best wishes from my family written on it, then he framed it and put it on the wall of my bedroom. Even now every day I go into my room, it will be the first thing that I see.

In my opinion, this picture is the symbol of the love between me and my family, and it always reminds me of the time that we had so much fun on the South Mountain. My families have been doing a lot for me through all these years, more than I can ever repay, they are the true treasure of my life!

3雅思口语A family member话题

Describe a family member that you have spent the most time with.


You should say

who this person is

what you often do together

what you think of this person

and explain why you spend most time with him/her.





范文:I’m going to talk about my mom, because I spend most time with her at home. Actually, we don’t do anything special together, but I feel relaxed, comfortable and safe with often have meals together, especially the dinner. Mom cooks for the family and I often help her in the kitchen. I would say she is a good cook, although her cooking is not comparable with the chefs’ in top restaurants. However, on top of all the common dishes and traditional Chinese food, she knows some secret recipes that are really fantastic. More importantly, mom would adjust the flavor of the dishes to my liking. I guess that’s why I have been used to her cooking and the balanced, nutritious and I also talk quite a lot. Unlike other mothers, my mom tries her best to find common topics with me, although we obvious have a generation gap. I can tell that she really cares much about me. She would ask me questions about the animation series that I watch as well as the bands that I listen to. When we watch TV together, which happens quite a lot, we would talk about the story line and sometimes try to speculate plots and even the ending of different characters. We don’t always reach an agreement, however, it’s great fun.


Describe a memorable meal or dinner you should say:

what the meal or dinner for

where you ate

who you were with

and why it was memorable to you.


Describe my favorite foreign food.

Describe my favorite restaurant or café.

Describe a happy event or family event.


有关于meal or dinner的话题无处不在,尤其考虑到可能还会讲有关于菜肴或者烹饪的过程,所以考生们要做比较充分的准备。同时,在话题中还会加上一些限定的内容,比如:memorable, special这样的词出现,那么考生就一定要注意根据出现的限定来强调论述的重点内容。关于这个话题,我就来说说很值得回忆的有关于大学毕业典礼那天的一顿饭。


1. 这个话题中首先要强调的是对于题目中限定内容的关注与重视。话题是Describe a memorable meal or dinner you had.考生需要关注的重点词汇首先是memorable,在论述开始的时候可以以重复题目或重点词汇的方式引出要说的内容。这样就让考官很清楚的知道考生对于题目的把握是完全没有问题的。另外,考生还可以在中间论述时用到special, unforgettable 一类的词语作为memorable的替换内容。

2. 时态是仍然需要考生注意的重点之一。话题中已经提到了meal or dinner you had,必须要用到的是过去时,无论是对于事件的描述,还是当时的心情,考生都要注意时态,并重点关注时态一致。因为很多考生在说话时常常会现在时与过去时混杂使用,让考官非常抓狂。

3. 对于整个事件的描述要求考生提前做好相应的准备,如论是有关于这顿饭本身还是描述时使用的词汇方面。对于这顿饭本身来讲,考生要给予一定的描述,例如:餐馆的装修,饭菜的名称,氛围的描述等等。当然在描述的时候对于形容好的词语也要做替换,考生可以参考使用beautiful,amazing,fantastic等等。以丰富论述的用词及内容。


I’m going to talk about a memorable meal I had. It was right after my university graduation, when I was about 21. My whole family came to see me graduate and it was a very proud day. After the ceremony we all went to a nearby restaurant, which was busy with other families who were all doing the same thing. The atmosphere was exciting and busy. The restaurant was beautiful, with long tables, candles and flowers. My family also gave me a huge bunch of flowers and some cards and special gifts. I was there with my mum, dad, two brothers and my grandfather and I remember that we ordered a lot of seafood to celebrate. I can’t really remember what else we ate, but the seafood was nice. Oh, that’s right, we had lobster to share, which was amazing. We spent all afternoon at the restaurant, talking, eating and laughing. And of course, we took lots of photos. My father made a speech of congratulations and wished me good luck for the future. It was such a memorable day because I knew that my family was very proud of me and we all shared my celebration together. And everything about the restaurant was perfect. The waiters were friendly and the food was fantastic. I am happy that I remember this special day in my life so clearly as well as the meal.

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