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发布时间:2022-12-20 01:17:01
1 雅思 口语话题水边的地方



I have visited many places near a river or a sea and I enjoyed the scenic beauty and vast water very much. I would like to talk about a river I visited 2 years back. I chose to talk about it because I really enjoyed my visit there.

The name of the river was (...say a river's name...) and it was in (...say a place's name...). One of our relatives invited us to visit their house and we decide to visit there. I went there with 4 of my family members including my parents. After we reach there, I was amazed to notice that our relatives house was near a big river. This was the first time I visited that relatives and I was very excited about the beauty of the nature there.

After we reach our relative's house, my younger sister told me that she would like to visit the river. I restrained her by saying that we will all go there in the evening. In the evening we went near the river and the river was very clam at that moment. A sweet win was blowing from the river and the weather was very pleasant. We sat near the river and had our tea. That was kind of family picnic. I had my younger brother, sister, my parents and 3 of our relatives at this place. Since this was the summer season, we felt very comfortable being at the bank of the river. We noticed many boats were in the river and we planned to rent a boat for an hour. When we were in the boat, the wind suddenly started blowing heavily. We quickly came to the high land and left for our relative's house.


Describe an outdoor meal or picnic that you had

you should say

Where did it take place

What was the occasion

What did you eat and drink there

and explain whether you enjoyed it or not


I can remember so many outdoor picnics with my friends and family members. In fact, we used to go outing and had our meals outside as part of the picnics very frequently even a few years back. One such picnic was a boat trip to a nearby island called (say a name) where we went 3-4 years ago. It was a small island and that island had some old buildings as well as a beautiful relaxing spot surrounded by natures. The water around the island gives the impression that you have come to an exotic land. We had our picnics on this island. There was no particular occasion for the picnic; as far as I recall the community people of our locality were planning for a picnic and they settled the day in the mid-summer. On the day we had a big boat that took us to the island and we spent the whole day there.


I remember eating fried rice, roasted mutton, chicken, desert, different cookies fruits and some other food items throughout the whole day during our visit to the island. We drank plenty of waters as the weather was hot. We also drank fruit juices and soft drinks at different times of the day.


It was a great occasion for me. All of my family members and neighbours were present in the picnic and that was a really relaxing occasion for me. I enjoyed the boat journey and the picnic spot a lot. I played and chatted with the neighbouring kids and that was a very interesting and enjoyable gathering in my opinion.



1. What was your favourite subject in secondary school (=high school)?

In my secondary school, English was my favourite subject because I found it very easy to remember the new word, and the sentences I learned were not hard at all. Besides, thanks to my English teacher, he taught me and corrected my pronunciation so that I could speak quite influent English.



2. And which subject did you like the least? (Why?)

As my unfavourable subject, I guess the politics was the most disgusting subject because I had to remember endless and meaningless essays in order to pass the exams by rote. It was really a waste of my time.


3. Which secondary school subject do you think is most useful for people in adult life?

I believe that the physics was quite helpful in my adult life. Though it wasn’t really needed in daily life of mine, just as my physical teacher said, the physics was the gymnastics for the brain, it helped me do things logically.我相信物理学在我的成年生活中是很有帮助的。虽然在我的日常生活中并不是真的需要,就像我的物理老师说的,物理是大脑的体操,它帮助我在逻辑上做事情。

4. What part of your secondary school education did you enjoy most?

I believe that my secondary school had taught how to endure hardships if I wanted to achieve my goal. You know, in my country, the competition of entering university is badly fierce, so I had to work very hard in order to be eligible to pursue my education in the future.我相信,如果我想实现我的目标,我的中学就教过如何吃苦。你知道,在我的国家,进入大学的竞争非常激烈,所以我必须非常努力地工作,以便将来有资格继续我的教育。


Describe an old friend you enjoy talking with

You should say:

who this person is

how you knew him/her

what you usually talk about

and explain why you want to talk to this person


I think friendship is extremely important. Friends are like our brothers and sisters and sometimes more then that. My best friend is Rahul. We met in a boarding school in Shimla when we were studying in 3rd class. So both of us studied in the same school and in the same class. So I can say we have been best friends since our childhood . At that time, we often used to go to school together and return back home. We also used to go to a nearby forest every Saturday and Sunday. Presently, He is doing his from . These days I stay in touch with him through emails and sometimes we even chat and once in a while, he calls me when he gets time.


He is a very hard working person, even now he is doing a part time job in a bakery along with his studies; as a result, I admire him very much. Since he is one year older to me he advises me about so many things; for instance he is the one who told me to go for IELTS class at Way-Ahead Institute and plan about studying in .


I share everything with my best friend and he also shares everything with me; like he is always the first one to wish me on my birthday; also he was the first person I called up as soon as I got my higher secondary result.


He helps me whenever I need him; for example’ when my sister wanted to study in he arranged her prospectus and helped her with her accommodation.


What I like the most in my friend is that he is very simple and straight forward person and always speaks the truth. He even criticizes me when I am not right; like, when I argued with my teacher one day, he straight away told me that I was wrong and I should feel sorry about it.


We both even have similar liking. Both of us like to listen to old Hindi songs and also eat South Indian food. Our favorite is Kishore kumar and we like to eat Dosa very much. Whenever he comes back during his holidays we definitely visit a south Indian Restaurant in our hometown, what more, he is very good cook himself and also plays very good guitar. I am longing to see him as soon as he returns to India after completing his studies. He has promised me that he will get a laptop for me when he returns.

我们都有相似的爱好。我们俩都喜欢听古老的印地语歌曲,也喜欢吃南印度菜。我们最喜欢的是Kishore kumar,我们非常喜欢吃Dosa。每当他在假期回来的时候,我们肯定会去我们家乡的一家南印度餐馆吃饭,他自己也会很好地烹饪,也会弹很好的吉他。我渴望在他完成学业后回到印度。他向我保证,当他回来的时候,他会给我买一台笔记本电脑。

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