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发布时间:2022-12-20 03:29:27
1 雅思 口语话题watch



1. How often do you wear a watch?

这个问题只是关于频率的,how often多长时间一次。基本现在要么就是不带手表要么就是每天都带,因为已经习惯了。所以我们就分情况来解决


不扩张的说这已经成我的daily routine 了

Literally,it has become my daily routine, I wear it every morning. Well, I know the smart phone can completely replace it, but I have got quite used to it to watch time. In most cases, I put my phone aside,so watch is more convenient for me.


To be honest, I never wear a watch since I can remember. You know, we can check time on cellphone, so there is no need to wear a watch. What’s more, I can see time anyplace in my life, like school, dinning hall, restaurant, supermarket and my home.

2. What was your first watch like?



Wow, speaking of my first watch of my life, I want to say that it was a digital watch send by my mom as a birthday gift. I think it was elegant with a white and round face, which was perfectly suitable for my clothes.


Although I am not a watch-lover and I rarely wear a watch, I got a watch of dreams, an iwatch, sent by my parents as an adult gift. You know, it has already been a hit since publication. It has lots of functions, not mentioning watching time.

3. What kinds of watches do you like to wear?



En, the tactile and mechanical watches are always my top priority. I mean, compared with the digital ones, I never consider much about the problem of power. Plus, to my knowledge, mechanical watches are more durable than the digital ones.


Well, like most of girls of my age, elegant watches will attract us more. In my eyes, watch is not only a tool, also an accessory to my outfits. So If I see a fair watch, I will have more impulse to buy it.

4. Do people still wear watches in your country?



Actually,very few of us wear a watch. With the popularization of smart phones,most of Chinese prefer phones rather than watch. However, a small percentage of people still wear it, such as business man or office workers, they think it is more formal which can show their social status and manner.

5. Have you received any watch as a gift when you were a child?

这个问题我们之前是不是说过啊,在part 1 部分不会每一道题都会问到,我们要做的是灵活的应用自己准备的答案巧妙的避过或是能将答案合理的分布的不同的问题上。


Describe a place where people go to listen to music.

What kind of music is performed there

What type of people go there

Why people go there

Explain your impressions of this place



In this modern era, due to the advent of technology people have no need to go anywhere to listen to music because music is easily available on mobile phones, laptops, computers, and pen drives. one can not only enjoy music but watch videos also on social websites like youtube. But Today I would like to talk about a place where people can not only enjoy the traditional food but enjoy the live folk dance and music side by side there also.


It is a place named cultural village which is situated in is established by the Punjab government so that the younger generation could know about their vast culture and traditions. It is made in traditional old style and displays many traditional things related to our culture. people enjoy the food, live music and dance performed by the expert folk dancers there. They wear a colourful dress of folk dance bhangra with different traditional instruments of music in their hand. They danced on the rhythmic tunes of famous Punjabi songs.


People can kill the two birds with one stone. It is very famous among people of all over Punjab and people visited there from different places to eat delicious food and listen to music is an important source to relax from the worries and tensions of daily people visit that place to spend leisure time with their friends and family I visited that place for the first time it seemed to me that I am enjoying a fare with my often visit there with my family and friends when I got a chance to go there.



what is the role played by music in people’s lives?

Music is like a therapy for the persons who feel stress and suffers from , every person is as busy as a bee in his life because in this modern era if one wants to become successful in his life then he has to work very person faces many ups and downs in his life and to get relief from it music is an important alternative.


when do you listen to music?

I listen to music especially at the night time before I go to bed for put headphones in my ears and listen to calm music which gives me relaxation from all the tiredness and worries of the day.


what changes do you see in today’s music in comparison to past?

In the past time credit had gone to the voice and talent of the singer and the music of the songs was according to the lyrics of the usually like classical music in on the other hand in today’s life the music used in songs is so loud that sometimes it is difficult to hear the lyrics.



Describe a movie you would like to watch again.

You should say:

what it was about

when and where you watched it

who you watched it with

and explain why you would like to watch it again.


Well, the movie that I’d like to watch again is Finding Neverland. You probably watched it too.


It tells a story of Barrie, a Scottish play writer develops a strong friendship with the widowed Sylvia and her four young sons whose imaginative behaviour gives him ideas. He incorporates them into a play about boys who do not want to grow up. The play, Peter Pan, proves to be a huge success after Sylvia becomes increasingly weak from an unidentified illness, so Barrie arranges to have an play performed in her home. She dies shortly afterwards, and Barrie finds that her will is to have him and her mother look after the boys.


I downloaded this film from the Internet last year, and watched it at home on the couch on TV.


I guess that Finding Neverland is a warm, heartfelt drama with an engaging story. Finding Neverland is a simple story, but in the tragic and painful ending, it digs under the skin of everyday life to ask a big question that as we grow up, we left behind too much innocence in the childhood, which touches on the deepest emotions of normal people, so I really want to relive these touching moments in the future.



a trip that you plan to go soon/in the near future(即将进行的旅行).

You should say:

- Where do you want to go

- Who would you like to go with

- What would you do there

- And explain why you would like to go there



1. 时态

将来时和虚拟语态是学生最容易忽略和用错的部分。常用will 和 be going to代替所有未发生的事情。正确使用虚拟语气,是这片话题的关键。出了基础的使用情态动词,其他表示不肯定的,假设的词组如:if possible; I suppose等也都要学会灵活使用。

2. 最后一个问题


3. 基础信息回答



Well, I would like to describe a place that I want to go in the future, that will be the Bumbum island in Malaysia. This place, I think you may not very familiar with, it’s not like world famous, But you know what, it is a must-goattraction in Malaysia.

One amazing thing about the Bumbum island is that some people who went there before said the view there is just out of this world. So, hm...if possible, I would like to go there with my family maybe next year,by taking the plane of course, because it’s not that pricey for the ticket to go ,m thinking maybe during one of the holidays like the National Day Holiday, because everyone in China gets 7 days off. So I could take the advantage of that period of time

Talking about what I would do there, you know, there’s one thing Iwould definitely do, which is taking the helicopter, and going on a panoramatour of the island. I know this because one of my friends who has been therebefore and posted like tons of photos on social media. When I saw those photos,the awesomeness really took my breath away. You know even saw those photos I got goose bumps all over me. The water, the sky, the bush and the cottage,everything is just spectacularly beautiful, and indescribably amazing.

So, I would like to go there in the near future and I believe I would have an amazing time. Thank you, that’s all I wanna talk about today.

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