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发布时间:2022-12-20 18:59:16
1 雅思 口语话题异地文化



Describe a foreign culture that you like. You should say

culture it is and how you know about it

differences there are between that culture and your own and why you like that foreign culture.


1. Which culture and how I know about it

I'm going to talk about France and French culture. I know France quite well because it was the first foreign country that I visited as a child. I've been on several family holidays there, and I lived and worked in Paris for a while after finishing university.

2. Cultural differences

The first thing that comes to mind when I think about France is the bread! I love the fact that French people buy fresh baguettes every morning, usually from small local bakeries or 'patisseries'; it makes a change from the loaves of sliced bread that most of us buy from the supermarket here in the UK. One slightly negative difference I noticed in Paris is that Parisians don't seem to make friends with their work colleagues to the same extent as we do here.

3. What I like about it

I really like the café culture in France. You can always find somewhere interesting to sit and have a coffee and chat to friends or just watch the world go by. I actually put on a bit of weight when I lived in France because I got into a habit of having a croissant or a cake in every nice café that I found. Another thing I could mention is that the last time I went to France on holiday, I played a game called ‘boules’ every day. The game consists in throwing metal balls as close to a target ball as possible. It’s the perfect game for a relaxing afternoon when the weather’s hot.


Notice that I included personal examples or experiences in my answers. It's easy to talk for 2 minutes if you can tell a story or two.


1. Do you often do any cooking?

Normally I don’t frequently cook at home on weekdays because I have no time. But on weekends, I usually cook food at home for my family.


2. Do you like cooking? (Why?/Why not?)

Yes, I’m quite into cooking because I believe that good dinner could guarantee our health and also I’m a foodie, I’d like to taste all kinds of tasty food. I always do some cooking in my home with my family during the weekend to enjoy the family time.


3. What cooking experience have you had?

Obviously, in my opinion, a fabulous cooking can’t be done without fresh food resources. So I always try to go to the super market early in the morning and select today’s vegetables and meat. Besides, I always put several vegetables such as carrot, bamboo shoots, pepper, tofu, along with meat to cook in order to get the balanced diet.


4. Who taught you to cook?

My mother is an expert at cooking, and she taught me how to cook when I graduated from university and started to live independently. She told me that the ability to cook was fairly important because good dinner could guarantee our health.


5. When you were a child, did you ever help your parents to prepare a meal?

I remember when I was a little boy, I was used to help wash the vegetables, go out to buy some flavours, etc. I strongly recommend that children should take part in this kind of housework because it can help cultivate the hands-on abilities, a sense of achievement and even learn some table manners.



Describe an experience that you were scared

When it happened

Where you were

Who you were with

Why you were scared

How you felt about it



I will share a dream that frightened me 2 years ago. I had a dream where I was awake, but not awake, during a surgical procedure. In my dream, the nurse drugged me with some kind of nerve de-sensitizer. I thought the nurse usually gives a sedative to help relax the patient before an operation. I tried to speak, but I couldn't hear myself. I tried to lift arms; it felt like weights tied down to my felt immobilized.


Then, the nurse wheeled me out of my room to the operating room. I felt the burst of cold air from my toes to the crown of my head. It was constant trhoughtout the hallways. The doors flung open as the nurse pushed my bed into the operating room. I shut my eyes from the glare of halogen bulbs overhead. Then, a real doctor rolled a coffee table beside me. I saw a line of tools laid sraight. They looked sharp; they gleamed. My throat started to become dry. I felt the hairs of my arms stand upright. I struggled to lift my head so I could hear the doctors' conference, not that I could hear them anyway. A doctor draped in peach scrubs approached me. He said his name was Dr. Ballastine. He sounded muffled, but nodded yes. He gestured the procedure I was about to undertake. The gestures were slow and methodical; enough to where I could understand what he was saying without speaking. Again, I nodded. Then, he asked if I had questions. I still couldn't speak, so I shook my head. Ballastine nodded and gave me some nitrous oxide to put me to sleep.



Describe an activity you would do when you are alone in your free time

You should say

What the activity is

How often you do it

Where you do it

How you do it

And explain why you would like to do this activity


In my free time I really like to draw, jump on / off the couch, and I also like spinning on the carpet on one knee. It's fun because if you spin VERY fast, you will just get thrown somewhere. Like you're flying! And I like making vids on my YouTube channel, and sharing what I like to do, just like I'm sharing now. I really enjoy playing Sims, cause you can create your own world in Sims! I like to watch vids about bronze, bulls, and cakes. I also like this app called iMovie, where you can make your own movies. I have a plush named Hedgy. And his last name is Hog. So he is a Hedgy Hog basically. Hedgy is the main actor of all of my movies. And do you know why I hang out with a plush so much? Cause he goes with me to school for about a month! Not that long, but it's enough to be a friend with a plush hedgehog. Me and Hedgy like eating pizza, cotton candy, and lemonade (We really like the pizza from Pizza Garden. The pizza there is fresh, italian, and it's REAL!). When I grow up, I wanna make a book called ''Diary Of Hedgy" and a book called ''Lamp Diary". And I'm planning to make a YouTube channel for Hedgy.


雅思口语part2 思路点拨:关于一个人的业余活动,其实能说的内容很多。

Go to the cinema - to see Hollywood blockbuster movies, Bollywood movies (from India), art films, animated films. You can also say go to the movies.


Some film categories are: Comedy, Drama, Horror, Thriller, Action, Science Fiction (Sci-Fi), Fantasy, documentary, Musical.


Watch TV - Different types of television programs are: The News, Soap Operas, Criminal Investigation Dramas, Medical Dramas, Reality TV, Situation Comedies (Sit-Coms), Talk Shows, documentaries, Cartoons, Game Shows, Sports programs, Movies, Political programs, Religious programs.


Surf the internet - On the internet, you can research a topic you are interested in using a search engine, visit your favourite websites, watch music videos, create your own video and upload it for other people to see, maintain contact with your friends using a social networking site, write your thoughts in a blog, learn what is happening in the world by reading news websites, etc.


Play video games - You can play games on your computer or on a game consoles, like PlayStation, X-Box, Wii, PSP, Gameboy, etc. You can play on your own or with your friends or family.


Play a musical instrument - Learn to play the piano, guitar, violin, cello, flute, piano accordion, mouth organ, panpipes, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, etc. You can play on your own or with a group, such as a band or an orchestra.

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