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发布时间:2022-12-20 19:15:30
1 雅思 口语话题外国电影



you like to watch movies?

Yes, I do like watching movies. It is a past time for me. During my leisure hours, I watch movies.

sort of movies you mostly like?

Well, I watch movies of almost all genres. But I prefer to watch the Science Fiction genre than the other movies as those sorts of movies attract me most.

you have a particular favourite?

Umm! My taste is not confined with the Science fiction movies only. I like watching classic movies with nice plot and directions. If I have to pick the movie that I enjoyed most, I would go for Casablanca which was a romantic movie and probably one of the best movies of all time.

is your favourite actor?

This is a significant question for me. There are several actors whom I admire most but I’d prefer Al Pacino. To me, he is a perfectly perfect hero who can suit himself in every character he deals with. Some of the characters he played in are unforgettable and have significant impact on the viewers.


Describe an experience that you were scared(new)

When it happened

Where you were

Who you were with

Why you were scared

How you felt about it


I have been through some terrible things in junior high day, I went to the amusement park, and bought a balloon on the clown's hand. Unfortunately, during the roller coaster ride,the balloon flew away because the speed too fast.


When we played a lot of recreational projects, we still wanted to ride a roller coaster once again. Suddenly, when I was riding the roller coaster, I found the clown holding balloon and smiling at ’s pretty sure that balloon was was he holding this balloon? And why laughed at me.


At that time, I was very scared, so I felt a very didn't know what happened,but I really knew that was my balloon. And the clown mysteriously looked at me and smiled. These things are unbelievable.



Do you like to take photos?

I am not a professional photographer and my interests vary for a career. However, I do like clicking photos from my iPhone, either when I am travelling or at parties. For me, photos are a mere collection of the memories made which I often display at my house of social media account. Taking those crazy pictures, sometimes hazy fill me with joy and remind me of the great times I had.


Would you like to study photography?

Presently not. I think there is already a lot on my plate. With a job at a corporate and being a freelancer leaves very little time for any learning. Also, my focus right now is on improving my writing and speaking skills. Having said that, photography is something I would love to learn but in the distant future and not immediately


How often do you take photos?

Technology has made life so much simpler and convenient. With the smart phones, I believe it has become easier for everyone to actually capture amazing photos. The different modes that the present day smart phones give to its users for clicking photos can actually make anyone crazy and it surely has had an impact on me as well. I do almost always prefer clicking photos rather than taking notes. Like, photos of presentations or a note I’d like to remember. Could also be the times when giving farewell or any other party or of nature. I do click photos from my iPhone just about the moment I feel like clicking one.


Do you take photos of yourself?

Not very often, I would say, but yes I do. Especially, when I have to go to a party, I click photos from my phone just to make sure that I am looking good. Also, it may sound funny, but I do take my snaps when I am sad. The moment I see myself depressed I cheer up. It is my way of fighting back and reminding myself that life is beautiful. And then there are times when I am bored. So, I usually go to those crazy Instagram features and make funny faces and take pictures.我想说,不是很经常,但我知道。特别是当我要去参加一个聚会的时候,我从我的手机上点击照片,以确保我看起来很好。而且,这听起来可能很有趣,但当我难过的时候,我会拍下我的照片。当我看到自己沮丧的时候,我高兴起来。这是我反击的方式,提醒自己生活是美好的。还有一些时候我感到无聊。所以,我通常会去那些疯狂的Instagram功能,做鬼脸,拍照片。

Do you have any good family photos?

Very few I must say. And from the ones that we have, most of them are really crazy! Almost all of them have at least one of us making a weird face. But, there is a photograph of ours where my parents are holding me and my brother in their arms and we are smiling solemnly and are parents are looking at each other. It really makes me feel good and is framed and kept in the house.我必须说的很少。从我们所拥有的,大多数都是疯狂的!几乎所有的人都至少有一个人做了一个奇怪的脸。但是,有一张我们的照片,我的父母把我和我的兄弟抱在怀里,我们面带微笑,父母们都在看着对方。这真的让我感觉很好,被陷害并被关在家里。


1. Do you like shopping for shoes (Why?/Why not?)?

No, I can’t stand go shopping for shoes, it’s really tiring and time consuming. I remember when I bought my shoes last time, it took me hours to find the suitable shoes, it’s really painstaking.



2. How often do you buy shoes?

Well, I can say that I get new shoes every month. Whenever I get my salary, I always try to keep my collection updated with a new pair of trendy shoes. I have such a big love for shoes and I cannot stand wearing old ones.


3. What kinds of shoes do you usually buy?

I spend most of my money on trainers and boots. Mostly I’ll choose trainers and I’ve got around 20 pairs of them so far because they bring comfort and performance, but for formal occasions, I definitely go for some boots, especially leather ones because it feels more posh and elegant.


4. Do you prefer comfortable shoes, or good-looking shoes?

I think I do like comfy shoes better than good-looking ones. I’m a pretty active person and I’m always up for adventures so I move and run a lot the whole day. Because of that, I would love to have comfortable running shoes as my companion.


5. Do you have a pair of shoes that you especially like?

Yes, and it is a white pair of Converse. I got it on my 23rd birthday from my mother and they were very light and durable. Sadly, my beloved dog bit and tore them to pieces the other day. The left shoe was nowhere to be seen.


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