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发布时间:2022-12-20 21:36:20
1 雅思 口语话题骑行旅游



Describe a bicycle/car trip.

You should say:

where you would like to go

how you would like to go there

who you would like to go with

and explain why you would like to go there by car or bike.

Sample answer:

I had great fun visiting the World Park,which is located in Shenzhen with my family last year. We went there as my graduation ceremony stayed there for about two days. After many discussions with my family members,we finally went there by car.

The reasons why we decided to go there by car for several of all, we not only told jokes,but also listened some music on the way,it made us ,it is convenient for us,too .We could have our own plans and choose the most favorite places to go. After getting there,could not wait to visit the miniatures in the park, including the Eiffewel Tower,the Big Ben,the Great Wall and so on. They were so attractive that we took many photos of them. There was also an artificial lake in the middle of the park. Some people were walking around the lake and some people were boating on the lake. We played near the lake and enjoyed the beautiful scenery. Then we watched a show which was performed by some foreign performers.

In short,there is no doubt that it was an exciting and meaningful family trip. It broadened my horizons and refreshed us. Though the trip ended,Its influence would last long.


Something you like to wear on special occasions


Describe a piece of clothing you wear on special occasions.

You should say:

what the occasion was;

what you worn;

where you bought the clothes;

and what other people at the occasion thought of your clothes.


Do Chinese people send much money on clothes? (Why/Why not)

Do you think a person's job affects the kinds of clothes that person wears?

Do you think you can learn anything about a person from the clothes they wear?

What are the differences between formal and casual clothes?

In China, what are some occasions when people wear casual clothes?

What style of clothes (formal or informal) do you think is most suitable for people working in an office? (Why)

Why do you think fashions in clothes seem to be constantly changing?

Why do some large companies or organizations require their employees to wear a uniform?

Do you think employees should have the right to choose what they wear as a uniform?

Do you think employers have the right (or should have the right) to say what people wear at work?


When I was a teenager, I wore a high school uniform pretty much every day of the week. It was nothing fancy, just a blue t-shirt and the high school uniform. It seems so nostalgic now when I think back to this memory. Life at school required very little effort and we had no worries and no responsibilities.

There was no special occasion, other than being allowed into a new school. However, being part of that class was a special opportunity and the friendships I forged in those years will last a lifetime. I was lonesome and confused during those first few days of school, but very soon the others welcomed me with open arms. I became one of them, a special group of souls.

I remember shopping for the uniform with my mum. I was very fussy couldn't choose the right shirt that would make me happy, so we settled for a few different styles. We went to a cheap market at first to get the shirt, but that didn't fly with me as the shirts were of poor quality. In the end we went to a school uniform supply shop and I found a fabric that felt soft and comfortable.

There was no real reaction to my clothes from my fellow classmates as we were all dressed very similar. Although we all looked exactly the same, it gave us all sense of unity and belonging to our school.


A time when you changed your plan/ mind


Describe a time you changed your plan.

You should say:

what the plan was;

why you changed it;

what you did instead;

and explain how you felt about changing the plan.



Do old people often change plans?

Do young people like to change plans?

What are the common reasons when people need to change plans?

How would you tell your friends when you must change your plan?

What kinds of plans are practical?


When I was a pimply teen in middle school, I had to change my plans at the last-minute and revert to Plan B. The master plan involved a visit to the aquarium, where we planned to see the sights and sounds of this magical place. We were so excited and looked forward to an afternoon of browsing the beautiful marine life on offer. The plan was to head downtown and buy the tickets.

I love aquariums because I get lost in the ambience and beauty of the fish tanks. The lights and the colors are magnificent and the sharks make my heart skip a beat. I can lose myself in this environment because I love animals and I gm fascinated by ocean creatures.

On this May Day, things didn't go according to plan. In fact, when we got to the ticket office there was a queue a mile long! There were people as far as the eye could see. Everybody wanted to go to the aquarium on that day and we didn't have the patience to wait that long. So, we headed off to the mall feeling disappointed and went straight to clothes shops.

When I think back on our situation, I’m quietly relieved that we still found a way to achieve a positive situation. In the end we saved a few bucks and still had the chance to hang out and chat.

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