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发布时间:2022-12-20 21:38:45
1 托福独立口语万能思路




1. 便宜

It’s cheap and economical. It can help me save a lot of money to buy books or to travel with my friend Jane. Specifically, it only costs______Yuan to_________. However, if I want to________, it will cost me at least_____Yuan. I hatesquandering, so I think it is awesome.


It is convenient and I would be able to save tons of time. Specifically, it takes me only_____minutes to_______. However, if I’d like to______, I will spend at least_____hours. I think spending the time saved on reading books on historyor chemistry/doing exercises is considered to be the better way for me to relax/learn more knowledge.


I can make more friends in different background/from different cities/countries such as Japan, Canada and America/with the same interest. We could have pleasant conversationnot only about the academic information such as history, biologyand economics, but also about the international events. And I can also learn some useful interpersonal skills or personalitysuch as honesty and persistence


The amazing part is its picturesque view and enjoyable surroundings. Having a walk beside the lake and rockery, I can smell the fragrance of grass and the flowers and hear the cries of the birds and feel the bracing breeze on my face.


I can totally relax in such a......environment. I’m fascinated to the harmonious atmosphere which could make me refreshed and energetic. I can release my emotion, pressure and uneasiness through it, and have a temporary escape from theacademic workload such as assignment and examination.


It’s good for my health. I can improve my speed, strength and flexibility. And I can also effectively lose weight and keep in good shape. Before……I often got sick, depression and hot temper, but now, everything is getting much better.


I can have an easier access to a huge amount of knowledge and information ranging from history to biology. For instance, it’ll be easy for me to polish my speaking and listening skills if ……/in such a……environment/ by……. This canrender me a good opportunity to practice my English, and eventually put me in a favorable position in the upcoming competition.


(Compared to others)I can abroad my horizon during the whole process. For instance, if……I can have a better understanding of the meaning of life/career/education…..and the importance of dream and future. So, I will pay more attentionto my family/friends/work/academic performance and also make great contribution to our society in the future.


According to the New York Times in 2008, the people who________are more likely to achieve success/lead a happy campus life/have a wonderful family in their later time. I certainly wanna be a ____ person/I think ….is a kind of …, so I’d like to ______.


It is because of the peer pressure. You know, everyone in my class chooses to ______. I don’t wanna be isolated from them. Therefore I choose to do the same thing and involve with them.


During the process of communication/discussion about……, and I can learn some useful interpersonal skills or personality such as honesty and persistence from others. This can help me cooperate with others more effectively, and offer memore opportunities to make new acquaintance. With more partners, I am more likely to succeed in the future


It is more eco-friendly, coz it’ll create little harmful carbon dioxide to the air. With the help of this, we can better protect our planet and prevent our environment from pollution such as global warming, acid rain and ozone layer. Noone can deny that it is significant nowadays when we’re facing ecological crisis.


It can definitely help me improve the understanding of the culture, custom, history and many interesting stuff about a different country/city. The deeper insight into culture can not only broaden my horizon but also help me comprehendthe living style and thinking mode of the local people.


More importantly, I can go home more frequently and visit my parents and grandparents. My mom will prepare me the food I like the most; my father will talk to me and help me figure out a way to solve the problem I encounter at school. Myfeeling can be best described by an old saying, “East, West, home is the best”



第二个大的维度是Language Use即语言运用,它有两个小的标准级,你使用的词汇和口语回答中使用句子的语法结构,以及有没有一些细小的语法错误。


第三个维度是Logical Development,它有两个评分标准,内容充实度和回答逻辑性。那如何提升我们的内容充实度呢,这也是我们用万能思路要破解的,最主要的一个话题。在解读评分标准之后,我们再对托福口语的备考策略做一个总结。有关于我们的语音语调是否需要地道如母语者,包括我们使用的句子以及词汇要到怎样的一个标准,大家都可以通过细读这篇备考策略,来解决一些迷思。大家关注下上图我最后高亮的这一行,也就是说,在我们的回答中如何提高我们的充实度,我们说需要用到两到三个理由,或者两到三个分论点。



There’s no trees, no grass in my community. It's very bare. So I have decided to give several hours each month to plant trees and grass in my community. After several years, there will be a lot of trees and grass in my community. It's very charming environment. You can imagine how comfortable it can be, just relax yourself on the grass, when sun is setting down and birds in the trees are singing. Second, Air pollution and noisy pollution are serious in my community. Planting trees and grass can reduce pollution.


Doing exercise every day is helpful to students' health. I think health will go with us for a long life if we insist on exercising everyday. It is helpful for us to focus the energy on study and work. Second, doing exercise is the best way to relax. It helps us to reduce stress and release tension.


Music is also the best way to help me escape stress and trouble. You know, stress is the biggest enemy of the health. Music can bring me lots of pleasure and turn my blue mood to a bright one. When I am listening music, I can forget all the difficulties of stress life.


To succeed in the world, we should cooperate with others. The ability and the knowledge of one person are limited. How to cooperate with others is important to our success.


1、XXX can also reduce the stress and pressure of the adults. Great pressure may cause lots of illness, for example, high blood pressure, physiological problem, and so xxx, the adults can feel easy and happy.

2、Besides, …is my way of releasing my pressure. I mean, nowadays people are under a lot of pressure from work and life. So they have to do something to relax their mind. When I under much pressure, I read the travelling guide. I regard it as relaxation, for it’s amusing and attractive pictures……I will feel very relaxed and comfortable while reading it.


Playing games can be helpful to develop some skills, such as how to cooperate with partners, how to get along with others and so on. All of the skills are the key qualities needed in our daily lives.


We can help each other. We I fall in trouble, I can get help from my companion in time. The most important is that my companion can provide me some useful advice to avoid some accidents.


1、If I could create a new holiday to honor a person, I would honor Edison. He is one of the greatest inventors that I respect. He is very brilliant. You know, he invented thousands of useful products, such as light bulb, phonograph, storage battery, telegraph system and so on. Without light bulb, we maybe live in a dark world at night. He has done great contribution to human.

2、If I could meet a famous athlete, I would choose to meet Yao Ming. Firstly, he is an excellent angel for china. In a sense, he brings the beautiful aspects of China into the world. Second, he is very nice and funny. in interviews you can see his good characteristics. He is always good temper. He seldom was angry for little thing. Furthermore, recently, he subscribes amount of money for SARS research. He has set a perfect example for all young people, both in china and the rest of the world.


1、I think, he should go Su Zhou Park. It has very beautiful environment. There are lots of trees, grass and fresh air. You can imagine how comfortable it can be, just relax yourself on the grass, when you are tired. Around the park, there are many famous restaurants that offer the best food in the China. The most important, is that the people in city are very nice and friendly. When the foreigner needs help, they would like to help him. Thus, I strongly recommend that foreign visitors should visit Su Zhou Park.

2、XX is a full of breathtaking views. There’re verdant trees, blooming flowers and carpets of green grass. Take a casual walk, start some sweet chat and fresh air will get us refreshed. roam on the sidewalk, watch the water ripples in the lake, frolic near the artificial hill, sit on bench and enjoy the cool in summer. I can relax myself, and breath the flesh air or clear my mind。


1、I like honest people because they are easier to deal with. They open their heart to you, you feel safe to confide your problems to them, and they always offer their true opinion for your good.

2、The person who I admire should be good tempered. They hardly get annoyed and they smile to everybody. I is easy for them to forgive others.


1、…enable me to make friends. By exchanging our opinions, our friendship will get deeper. With communication, I could learn how to discuss, how to persuade, how to negotiate, and how to compromise.

2、It could be a great chance for us to make friends. You know ,I mean that you can meet many kind of people and learn many thing from them and even find bosom friends among them.


1、sense of achievement. boost my confidence. proud of myself. since then, I have the solid belief in myself that all difficulties, troubles and challenges would be just a piece of cake to me.

2、It could be a great achievement for me. After that , I will not be afraid of difficult and challenges would be just a piece of cake to me.

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