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发布时间:2022-12-20 21:44:36
1 托福独立口语素材




Talk about the best aspect of the education system in your country. Include details.

Talk about the one thing government can do to improve the educational system in your country.

Do you agree or disagree with the statement that a student must do well in high school in order to receive college education.

Do you agree or disagree with the statement? University education is more important than it was in the past.

Do you agree or disagree with the statement that to be successful, one must study in university.

Some people believe that higher education is for all students. Other people believe that higher education is only suitable for certain students. Which opinion do you think is better and why?

Some believe that in comparison with those never attended college, people attended college will be more successful in career. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Please give specific reasons for your opinion.

Some think the college education is very important. Others believe that college education is not of vital importance in one’s life. What’s your opinion and why?

Do you agree or disagree the opinion “the most important lesson can’t be learned in class”?






practical,get xxx ready for

I would say that the courses offered in universities should be more practical, specifically, they should get students ready for future jobs and increase students' future job opportunities.



make it accessible to ,cost of living, textbooks and skyrocketing tuitions

I would say the decision makers should figure out a way to reduce the cost tertiary education and make it accessible to everyone. Currently, our universities and colleges are super expensive, the cost of living, textbooks and skyrocketing tuitions, all these combined makes it hard for lots of brilliant kids to receive higher education.

让大学生更加自由的选择专业, 现在高考成绩一般的学生没有机会学习比较火的专业如经济金融,政府应该让学生更加自由的选择专业而不应该用高考分数限定学生的选择。



Workers 员工

1. ■ 34 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Businesses should hire employees for their entire lives. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.



雇用人员的原则是:The employees should be able to create more than they are paid.


但是,The business also has responsibility to support those old employees, especially when they have contribute a lot to the business.





2. ■ 67 If you were an employer, which kind of worker would you prefer to hire: an inexperienced worker at a lower salary or an experienced worker at a higher salary? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.



• 一些较低的职位,基本不依赖创造性,比如门卫、前台服务员。这要选择前者。

• 一些中等的职位,需要创造性,但是可以培养。还要选择前者,因为所谓的experienced不一定保障efficient。

• 较高的一些职位,所需要的人需要很高的创造性(creative),能动性(initiative)。一些经验比如管理经验都是必需的。那么,要选择后者。







1. 喜欢朋友具有哪些特点(Characteristic),与自己相同否?

I think a character friends should have is humor. Because humorous friends bring us good mood and harmonious atmospheres so we can have a good condition to study. Then we might give birth to great ideas and solutions. I think a friend should also be outgoing. Because outgoing friends can communicate with me in a better way, through this I can become more outgoing, and I am able to increase my ability to communicate with others. This is really important when we work. I don’t think a friend should have characteristics as I do, because our different characters make us be able to learn from each other, and gain our ability.

2. 喜欢按照爸妈或朋友的建议行事还是自己经历? (Make important decision)

I prefer doing things follow the advices given by my parents and friends. I consider I am not experienced and knowledgeable toward some of the big challenge, and then I maybe make wrong decisions. However, my parents have faced these challenges when they were young, so they are able to provide me valuable advices. This makes me succeed easier. Also, it is wonderful if my friend could help me consider things before I do it. Because more people consider on one issue will make less mistakes, and this is benefit to my life.

3. What do you like to read in your free time?(Novels, poems or magazines) (业余爱好是做什么?)

I would like to read magazines during my leisure time. First of all, magazines have high quality printed paper; the pictures on the paper are vivid, I enjoy looking these pictures. I even cut down some of them I like and put them in my book. It is so amazing. Second, the magazines always provide beautiful posters to their readers, I received two posters, one is Yaoming’s picture and the other one is Jordan’s. I like poster very much so I like the magazines very much. Also, the information provided in the magazines is interesting and comprehensive; I can know a lot of things though it. So I like reading magazines.

4. Do you like to live with roommates or live alone? (独住还是与室友一起住?)

Well, for me, I would like to live with roommates. First of all, we are able to help each other both on study and our daily life, so we will have fewer difficulties, and through this we gain our relationship, so we can have more good friends. Also, my roommates can always communicate with me, through this I can become more outgoing, and I am able to increase my ability to communicate with others. This is really important when we work.

And my roommates could have different characteristics, because of our different characters, we are able learn from each other, and gain our ability.

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