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发布时间:2022-12-20 22:27:15
1 雅思 口语话题家用设备



Describe a piece of equipment in your home(描述家中的一件电器设备)


what it is;

how often you use it;

who you usually use it with;

and explain why this item is important to you.


In my daily life, I consider the refrigerator to be the most important machine among other equipment. Since I live alone and I have to maintain all of my tasks by myself. I really can’t imagine living without a refrigerator.

I use it every single day, for instance, I usually drink milk in the morning thus I have to take milk out from refrigerator every morning. I don’t have to share it with others since I live alone. Well, sometimes my parents will come visit me and bring some food to me, they would store the food in the fridge for me.

A refrigerator is important for me. I can store all my foods, water and cooked food inside of it. It is quite difficult for me to cook 2-3 times a day and to do grocery shopping very often, because I need to work. Whereas my refrigerator save me from doing so. Moreover, in the summertime, the temperature is high, the food is easy to be spoilage. However, the refrigerator is able to remain cool to a temperature below the room temperature and keep all the foods fresh. As a result, the rator also reduce the rate of spoilage of foods as well as prevent wasting of foods.

2雅思口语A Time you helped someone话题

Describe a time when you helped should say

who you helped

why you helped this person

how you helped this person

and explain how this person benefited from your help/ how you felt when you helped this person


题目中的几个问题,基本也都把我们描述一个事件类话题卡的常见的扩展角度都覆盖到了。时间/地点/人物/起因/经过/结果 看题面似乎这个题目挺好说的,但是具体要到一个具体的经历,似乎又有一些难于表达。除了可以讲到你帮助别人的经历,有的时候,我们被别人帮助的经历,在改变了主语之后,也是可以说到我们的回答里面去的。


学习中:1. 在学习中,或者在学校里,我们一定帮助过别人,或者被别人帮助过。假如你的成绩比较优秀,你回去帮助成绩一般的同学。假如你体育、音乐等其他科目比较强,也不可避免需要帮助一下你孱弱的同桌。In school, I used to be the top student in terms of the exam result. So usually my tablemate come cross any questions on the textbook, he/she will seek for help from tablemate do not have the talent in taking exam as me, so I share many of my skills of how to prepare for the exam and how to make better use of time during the revision.

2.或者更简单一点,你的同学因为身体或者家里的原因不能来上课,你有没有帮没有来上课的同学交作业或者抄笔记呢?I remembered, in my second year in middle high school, my tablemate got a serious injury when he played basketball, so he had to spend two weeks in the hospital. In order to keep up with the progress of study in each subject, I took notes for him and after school, I will explain the key notes to him in the hospital and helped him with the assignment. Since then, we became best friends. 英语优势:既然你一直在准备雅思,那么你的英语水平应该在你的朋友圈里面是比较优秀的,我们可以围绕你英语的优势展开描述。比如:1. 给老外帮助Help foreigner during the trip/ on the bus/ when they lost their way2. 给家人制定旅行计划、订机票Make sound travel plan for family members/ book airplane tickets for . 辅导年纪小的弟弟妹妹Help to teach English for my younger sister/ brother/ niece/ nephew 生活中:常规但是老套的故事可以讲:扶老奶奶过街,给同学送伞,陪家人看病。我个人觉得这些故事都略微过时,且其实不太好去描述。建议大家可以说说,在自己的家里,有没有帮助长辈用电子产品,不如如何使用ipad,如何上网下视频,如何微信发朋友圈等,应该大家都有过类似的经历。My parents had never used computers/ mobile phones/ Wechat/ Weibo before, so I help them to surf the internet/ download videos from the website/ post photos on the friend circle (moment) 下面把题面的几个小问题依次分析一下:Who:把你帮助的人简单描述一下,比如个你的关系,以及叫什么,方便后面描述ta的情况。

Why:原因必然是因为他有困难had difficulty in doing sth. 根据之前说的不同的故事,原因也是不同的 How:具体帮助的方式,可能是物质上的帮助,精神上的安慰,不断的陪伴,耐心的教导Financially support the person/ emotionally comfort him/ constantly accompany him/ patiently instruct him 别人的收获/我的感受:前面一种问法,我们的回答无非是,问题得到了很好的解决,被帮助的人对我们充满了感激With my help, the problem had been solved. He was so grateful for what I had done. Since then, he can accomplish the task himself.

我们自己可以获得的感受,必然是一些帮助别人的满足感,成就感,或者觉得自己有更多的存在的意义和价值By helping him, I felt a great sense of fulfillment. I somehow figure out the meaning of my existence, that is, to contribute to the well-being of other people, and in this way, to make my life more valuable


The experience that I would like to describe today is, I think, about five years ago, when I helped an international student in my university to find where his department is. I remembered it was in the midday in a hot summer. So it was really unbearable. When I went back from somewhere to the campus, I saw a black young boy, who was, of course, a foreigner. His name is Ella. And he came from South Africa and he was a kind of lost his way, so he went to the school janitor to ask for the right direction to his department. But, unfortunately, the janitor cannot speak English. Besides, the most challenging part was that Ella himself didn’t know where to go because he did not print any of his admission letter or orientation guide with him. Some passers-by tried to help him, but they were confused by what he really wanted to go.

When I saw him in great trouble as he carried his two big cases with difficulties, I came to him. After I knew his situation, I decided to take him to the apartment where international students normally lived first. When we arrived in the apartment, he was further assisted by the apartment director and other international students and finally found his way to his school.

All in all, Ella benefited from my help as he successfully found his way to the right place, and for me, it was the first time that I made a foreign friend, so after that, we met several times and establish strong friendship.

3雅思口语Special Trip话题

Describe a special trip you would like to go on in the future. You should say:

Where this place is

Who you would like to go with

What you would do there

And explain why this would be a special trip.



时态上也要注意,因为是a special trip you would like to go on in the future,所以注意一般将来时的正确用法。

另外还可能用到虚拟语气,要注意if条件句后动词要变成过去式的形式,主句是would/could的形式,如if I got a chance to visit Spain, I would watch a live Flamenco dance show.


enchanting natural beauty:迷人的自然风光

breathtaking view: 令人惊叹的风景

exotic culture: 异国风情


tourist attraction:旅游景点

Itinerary: 行程

highlight of the trip:旅行中最精彩的部分


Sample Answer:

There are many places in the world that I have been dreaming to travel to. The one I’m really eager to visit is definitely Spain. I knew this country from my cousin who is currently studying in Madrid, Spain. With great beaches, fun nightlife, many cultural regions and historic sites, Spain makes a great destination for a family trip since it can meet the demands of any kind of vacationers.

In terms of what I would do there, as a foodie, the first thing I would do after getting there is certainly trying the delightful Spanish cuisine. My cousin has recommended me a couple of authentic Spanish dishes, such as paella, gazpacho. My mouth is actually starting to water just thinking of it. Another must-do thing in Spain is sightseeing around the country. You know, this country boasts rich culture and enchanting natural beauty. There are a variety of museums, exotic architecture and alluring beaches which are definitely worth a visit.

The reason why I regard the trip to Spain a special one is that it could provide me with a chance to know more about Flamenco dance which you know is a traditional Spanish dance. I first got to know this type of dance on TV. This type of dance was so unique that it caught my eyes immediately. It involves fierce foot stomping, hand clapping and intricate hand, arm and body movements. It is highly expressive, which separates Flamenco from any other type of dance in the world. If I got a chance to visit Spain, I could watch a live Flamenco dance show and discover something more about this passionate dance. I believe it must be a thrilling experience.

In addition to this, if I paid a visit to Spain, I could meet my cousin. You know, we haven’t seen each other for quite a while, basically since she went to Spain two years ago. So I really miss her a lot. Also, there are many interesting things in my life that I’m eager to share with her. I can’t wait to see her!

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