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发布时间:2022-12-21 01:06:46
1 雅思 口语电视话题



you watch television a lot?

Well, I used to watch but now I have altogether stopped watching it.

或者:Oh! I love watching television. It is something that helps me break off stress after a tiring day.

’s your favorite type of TV program?

Being an architect, I used to not only read books but also watch TV documentaries in order to pick up information related to my field; but recently, because I found that the Internet is full of better material, I’ve been streaming videos, which is a much more efficient way to enhance my knowledge.

you like watching TV?

I don’t get time really to watch TV and I don’t like the fact that you have no choice about what to watch, so no I would say I don’t really like watching normal TV, I much prefer streaming something on my iPad and watching it when I like.

often do you watch TV?

I’d say maybe only a few times a month when there is a good football match on. I prefer watching football on TV with other people around because it’s a great atmosphere, but if it’s a normal TV show I will just watch it alone at home on my tablet.

kind of TV programmes do you like to watch?

I like dramas and thrillers. I don’t really like anything that is not set in the real world, so I’m not a big fan of sci-fi or fantasy, although I have been getting in to the latest season of Game of Thrones. I also really like to watch documentaries about military history, especially anything to do with the Second World War.

are the most popular TV shows in your country?

In my country these days reality shows and comedy shows are among the most popular TV programs. I guess it’s because its content is suitable for audience of any age from children to the elderly. The fans of reality shows feel interactive and familiar with the competitors while that of comedy shows generally want to be entertained with jokes and laughters.

you like watching TV shows from other countries?

Yes, most of the programmes I watch are from the United States. Networks like HBO and Netflix have the biggest budgets and as a result can make some really high quality shows. I don’t think Game of Thrones could be made without a huge budget and America is probably the only country that can make a TV show on that scale.

the internet affected your viewing habits?

Absolutely, I watch most TV shows on the internet now, rather than a normal TV. There are so many streaming services like Netflix offering on-demand TV and it suits me to be able to watch what I want, when I want. I also like to binge watch a series of TV shows, just watch a whole series in a day or two rather than waiting for the next episode.



We're on the cutting edge of science and technology.


technology n. 技术

cutting edge“最前线,尖端”

Phone technology is updating again.


update v. 更新

We must take a scientific approach to the problem.


approach n. 方法,途径

The application of nanotechnology is a trend.


application n. 应用,运用

trend n. 倾向,趋势

nanotechnology n. 纳米技术,应用和制作纳米材料的技术。其中nano-是个前缀,表示“极小(十亿分之一)”。

New technology will bring about a revolution in our lives.



revolution n. 革命

bring about“使…发生”

It's a brilliant achievement of modern science.


brilliant a. 杰出的,的

achievement n. 成就,成绩

To a great extent, our lives benefit from science and technology.


to a/an... extent“在…的程度上”

benefit from“得益于,从…中受益”

It's a groundbreaking design.


It's a revolutionary design.


groundbreaking a. 开创性的

revolutionary a. 革命性的,完全创新的

New technologies are aimed at doing good to people, but they surely have some hidden harms.


harm n. 危害,损害

aim at“针对,以…为目的”

Scientists are holding their breath for this new technology.


hold one's breath”屏息期待”


On Science and Technology谈论科技

Mary: Phone technology is updating again. Many companies-Nokia, Ericsson. Motorola and Samsung are ready to offer completely updated technology.


John: Yeah. I heard something about that.


Mary: I heard about something called W-CDMA which is supposed to rival CDMA in bandwidth but much cheaper.


John: My friend told me that there is a new short distance radio technology.


Mary: You must be talking about Bluetooth. It's a wireless technology and is supposed to almost totally replace wiring of all kinds. Soon you'll be able to dial up your friends

using just a headset. The rest of your phone will be on your belt.


John: It sounds like we'll be able to communicate with appliances like my fridge.


Mary: once they finish the next stage of smart appliances, you'll theoretically be able to restock your fridge using your mobile. And after that. your fridge will be able to

place its own order when it is empty.


John: Wow! Is it truly that significant? It sounds like soon I'll never have to leave my apartment.




There are gains and losses in the stock market.


Investing in stocks is risky.


risky a. 有风险的,冒险的

In general, investments in the stock market produce good returns.


investment n. 投资,投入(其动词形式为invest)

produce v. 产出,生产

return n. 回报,利润

in general“总体来讲,总体上说”

The price of stocks is skyrocketing.


This stock is going up/down.


The stock market is crazy now.


skyrocket v. 猛涨,突然高升

The share price keeps going down.


Many private investors are dumping their shares.


share n. 股票

private a. 个人的,私人的,民间的

investor n. 投资者

dump v. 抛售,倾倒

I don't know if it's appropriate to enter the stock market right now.


appropriate a. 合适的,适当的

I decide on which share you should buy is quite hard sometimes.


You'd have to consider market tendencies. the company's growth potential, and you'd better know something about technical analysis.


consider v. 考虑

tendency n. 趋势,倾向,潮流

potential n. 潜能,潜力

analysis n. 分析,解析

Diversification is very important in today's market. In general, invest some of your money in bonds or funds, and about one-third in stocks.


diversification n. 多样化,多元化,变化

bond n. 债券

fund n. 基金(常用复数),资金


A bull is a stock market in which the price of shares is going up and people are buying them.


A bear market is a situation in which the value of stocks is decreasing and people are selling them.熊市就是股价下跌、人们卖出的股市。

decrease v. 下降,减少(其反义词为increase)

bull和bear在这里都是股票术语:bull指“牛市”,相当于“bull market”;bear指“熊市”,相当于“bear market”。


Which stock do you plan to buy?


The stock market is surely a good place to put your spare cash, but it's risky. Be sure that you won't overextend yourself.


overextend v. 使承受过多,过分扩展


Talking about Stocks谈论股票

Daniel: What's a "bull market" and a "bear market"?


Nicole: A bull market is a stock market in which the price of shares is going up and people are buying them. A bear market is a situation in which the value of stocks is decreasing and people are selling them.


Daniel: Why are there ups and downs in the stock market?


Nicole: Generally, if there are quite a lot of buyers, the share prices will rise. Otherwise, they will fall.


Daniel: How can we make money off the stock market?


Nicole: If you believe a stock price of a company will rise, you can either buy or hold it. If it does rise, you can sell your shares for a profit.


Daniel: It sounds easy to make money from stocks.


Nicole: Not at all. It's quite difficult at times to decide on which stock you should invest in. You'd have to consider market tendencies, the company's growth potential, and you'd better know something about technical analysis.


Daniel: That sounds a bit of risky. I might want to think twice before investing.


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