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发布时间:2022-12-21 01:52:03
1 雅思 口语一个决定范文




Describe a (good) decision someone made

You should say:

Who made it

What was the decision

When it was made

And explain why it was a good decision




Well, I am going to talk about a great and well-known decision made by Jobs, the founder of Apple. He quitted from university when he was 17 and he considered it the best decision he had ever made. When he quitted from university, he could take more time to learn the courses that appealed to him like typography and these courses turned out to be very useful to him. Later he launched Apple, one of the first highly successful mass-produced personal computers. He used his knowledge learned in school to design the marvelous typography on Mac. Other products like iMac, iPhone, iPod and iPad also gained great popularity all over the world. Thus he established himself as a leading pioneer in the technology business.

The reason why I thought it was a good decision is that Jobs loved what he was doing. If he had not quitted from school, he might have missed the golden period when personal computers began to be developed at a mass number and other competitors might have replaced him to be the leading figure in the business. It was his passion for this business that led him to do the decision. His experience was so unique and I don’t think there could be another person who can copy his experience.


Should children make decisions on their own?

How should parents help their children make decisions?

Do parents in your country make decisions for their children?

Who will be helpful when making decision in your country?

Do you think it is advisable listening to others' advice when making decision?

When young people are to make a decision, should they listen to some advice?


A friend you admire

I want to talk about one of my playmates in my childhood. Her name is Su. She’s very beautiful. She had long black hair and big eyes. She looked like a Barbie doll.

However her personality was very different from her appearance. I like her because of her strong personality and her kindness to others. She never cried even when she hurt her knees badly and would always help and comfort others just like a big sister.

I always knew she’s a strong girl, but later I realized that she’s stronger than I thought. When we were in primary school, one day, my teacher asked her out and told her that her father died in a car accident. She came back to our classroom to get her school bag without crying. When I went to her home to ensure she was ok, I saw her comforting her mother. She was like an adult, still without crying.

Later she went to Canada and we haven’t seen each other for about five years. I can still her beautiful appearance and her strong personality. When I feel discouraged, I will always remember her and I can become strong because of her influence.


A favorite subject

I think the most interesting subject in my high school is geography. I have a dream to travel around the world since I was a child. At that time, I would always wonder where exactly some famous cities were on the map, such as London, New York, so I am really interested in geography.


I had a great geography teacher in my high school.

She was knowledgeable, hard-working and devoted to the students. I always felt very excited when I had geography classes because I couldn’t wait to learn more about the world. Besides that, I also liked reading atlas and other books about geography during my spare time. I would always have good marks/grades on geography throughout my high school years.

When I talk about geography with my classmates or even parents, I can always impress them with my knowledge. I still like geography and hope I can travel around the world in the future.

4雅思口语A practical skill范文

A practical skill

I’d like to describe a skill I learned, which is to edit songs on computer by using the software, called cool edit.

I love singing, so a skill to edit songs is very practical and important for me. I first heard about it when I was eleven years old. When I was surfing the internet, a net friend told me about this software. I began to learn how to use at once by watching many online classes about it. Soon I can record my voice on the computer and after a lot of practice; I can edit many audio files perfectly. For example, I sang a song named “take me away”, after being edited, it sounds just like the original singer’s singing. It is amazing, because I can even change a girl’s voice into a boy’s voice.

I like to play with it in my spare time, so my skill has improved a lot. When I told my friends about it, all of them were really impressed.

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