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发布时间:2022-12-21 02:00:11
1 雅思 口语家具范文




Describe a piece of furniture.

You should say:

What it is

Where it is

What it looks like (or what it is made of)

And explain how or why you use it


In your country, where do people buy the furniture for their homes?

What factors do people need to consider when buying furniture for the home?

Why do some people like to buy expensive furniture?

Do you think the style is important?

What' s the difference between furniture in the office and furniture at home?



Well, the furniture in my home could be generally divided into two kinds: those bought from the mall directly and those customized; those of purely utilitarian purposes and those for beautification reasons only. And the furniture I am going to talk about is for utilitarian purpose and it was bought from a furniture shop, and that furniture is my wardrobe. It is now placed in my bedroom. The wardrobe is big and it has five drawers. I bought it 3 or 4 years ago. Generally my father was in charge of the purchase of furniture. But I really wanted to have a piece of furniture picked by my own, so he took me to the furniture shop. I liked the wardrobe since the first minute I saw it. It was very handy and I liked its color—white. It is made of wood, which I think is very healthy.

I consider this piece of furniture very useful for me. It is a very good-looking piece of furniture that matches with the design and the colour of other furniture in the room as well. If I had not owned this furniture it would have been very difficult to keep my clothes arranged, valuable document secured. I have placed a vase on the top of drawer and it makes my room more charming.


Describe an interesting event in your school

You should say:

What was the event

When was the event

Why was it interesting

And explain how you felt about it

a native answer

I was in the third grade at the local primary school in Montreal, Canada when the event took place. It was about participating in a quiz competition and I won the first prize there. I was awarded a certificate and a nice piece of water jar as a recognition. In fact, it was the first achievement of my life. During the school days, I have achieved many other prizes and in the later part of the college, I also secured a notable number of awards. But the memories of the first award in my school is still vivid in my mind. In fact, it was the beginning of the journey. Thank you for this interesting question. It reminds me of my school days. I am turning nostalgic. Here I will describe the event in brief.

It was an inter-class quiz competition. Since I had a neck to know about everything by reading books since an early age, I attempted at the event. My mom also inspired me to participate in the competition. Actually, she inspired me most to be at the competition and also told me that I do not have to win the event. She wanted me to increase my knowledge and experience from that early age. Finally, I took part there and it was a grand success for me. I won the first prize in that inter-class quiz competition. And since then, I have never been second in position in the other competitions I took part in.

The event is still memorable for many reasons. I was a girl of hardly seven years old. And it was really daring to express the intention to take part in a heavy competition. The questions were made based on categories. I selected two categories and correctly answered all the questions. When it was in a group, I tried to score the highest point for my group. The competition was tougher. Most of the participants were my seniors and I was the youngest competitor among them. So, many of them ignored me and when I won the prize, it was a nice reply from my part to them. Hence, the memories are still awake in my mind.

The feelings are sweet. I was a little girl then and now a matured lady. But this time, I have undergone a large number of sweet and sour experiences in my life. I have won in battles, I failed. I stood up again. But the beginning of this battle started with the winning of the quiz competition in my childhood. After that event, I have won many prizes in home and abroad. But the feelings are not the same as it was for the first quiz competition. I feel charmed for that event.


Describe an unusual meal you had

You should say:

Who you were with

Where you went

When it happened

Why it was unusual




The unusual meal I am going to tell you is what I ate with my best friend before graduation. He and I shared the same room and our beds were set together. During the college, we play basketball together, study together and even help each other find our true loves. Oh, a lot of happy memory.


The meal was in the evening before graduation. Next day, we would pursue our own courses. He would go to Xia’men, a southern city in China, to teach in a university, while I would stay here and start my work. We were parted thousands of miles, so that meal was very likely to be our last meal in several years, and it is.


Instead of eating in a restaurant, we bought some food and beer and came back to the dormitory where we lived for four years. We ate, drank and talked. We talked about our ambitions, expectations, lives, and paths ahead until about 4 o’clock in the morning. Then we packed our baggage. He embarked on his way to Xia’men. I took a bus to my small rented room.


In fact, the food that day was not so good, but I always remember this meal and it resurfaces in my memory now and then. After all, it symbolized the end of my college and precious friendship.


Describe a special day that you went out but didn't spend much money

You should say:

What day it was

Where you went

What you did

Who you were with



When it comes to a special day out that didn’t cost too much, well, I would like to talk about a trip I had to the Huashan Mountain, which is located in the Hua County, somewhere in the east of Xi’an.


I remember it was a summer day before my first semester of college in Xi’an that I went there for the first time. A military officer who once worked with my father in the army invited our family to have a one-day trip to this world-renowned scenic spot. We got up extremely early in the morning like 5 pm and drove to the foot of the mountain and began climbing. The mountain wasn’t like the traditional single peak one, it’s actually kind of a combination of many. We climbed all four summits at one go. That’s was probably the most energy-consuming activity during that whole year, but it’s definitely worth it!


Although we were fully prepared for this trip, it seemed none of us felt so confident about every detail of small scenic spots, because there’s quite a lot for you to discover along the way, and we didn’t find any single chance of being bored. When we reached the highest southern summit of the mountain, we felt a kind of sense of achievement.


We all felt this was a really healthy and money-saving trip. Because we just spend no more than 300 RMB for beverages and the entrance tickets during the whole trip. And we got more fitness exercises compared to those who hit the gym with more than 300 RMB membership fees.


Someone said that it’s sometimes dangerous to go to those huge mountains, but I have to say that we only live a life for once, why not try it? Basically, it’s not that risky, right?

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