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发布时间:2022-12-21 05:18:35



Describe an invention that changed the world

You should say:

What the invention was

What it can do

How popular it is

Why it is an important invention




Ok, let me talk about GPS, or more commonly referred to as the Global Positioning System, which I guess is the one creation that has greatly influenced the whole world. The mechanism(原理) of GPS, I suppose, is based on time and the known position of specialized satellites(专用卫星).

I must admit that I don't have a clue at all(毫无线索) about the exact time when it’s created or the personwho should be given credited for (归功于)inventing GPS. But as far as I know, it has a history of quite some years. While originally a military project, GPS is now considered a dual-use technology(两用技术), meaningit has significant military and civilian applications(军用和民用).

Specifically, you see, it has become a widely deployed and useful tool(广泛利用的有用工具) for so many purposes: commerce, scientific uses and more importantly, facilitating everyday activities(使日常活动更便利) such as banking, mobile phone operations, and even the control of power grids(控制电网). Take myself as an example, being a frequent traveler(经常旅行的人), I simply can’t live without a GPS in my hand. Even if I’m in a middle of nowhere(偏远的地方), GPS will quickly locate(定位) me without the need of internet access(网络接入), pointing out the best route for me.

Also, another great thing about it is the application in delivery of goods. GPS makes it possible for us to track our parcels 24/7(不间断的, 一直地), knowing where exactly the parcel is and when it’s delivered to the place. This just can’t be more useful for online shoppers(线上购物者).

Actually, this world-changing(改变世界的) invention has tons of other applications that I may not be able to list them all(全部列举出来). Just picture the world without GPS, then no one would deny the fact that it has made our life much easier than before.



military and civilian applications(军用和民用)

power grids(控制电网)

in a middle of nowhere(偏远的地方)

internet access(网络接入)

track our parcels 24/7(不间断的, 一直地)


online shoppers(线上购物者)


I must admit that I don't have a clue at all(毫无线索) about the exact time when it’s created or the person who should be given credited for (归功于)inventing GPS.

The mechanism(原理) of GPS, I suppose, is based on time and the known position of specialized satellites(专用卫星).

While originally a military project, GPS is now considered a dual-use technology(两用技术), meaning it has significant military and civilian applications(军用和民用).

Take myself as an example, being a frequent traveler(经常旅行的人), I simply can’t live without a GPS in my hand.

Actually, this world-changing(改变世界的) invention has tons of other applications that I may not be able to list them all(全部列举出来).

2雅思口语Successful company范文

Describe a small and successful company you know.

You should say:

What is the company called;

How did you know this company;

What kind of business this company does;

and explain why you think this company is successful



对于part2 的话题,大家习惯性的答题方法是两句话总结cue card的上的问题,然后将问题的答案进行一次又一次的重复,这样的答案会给考官非常“水”的感觉,因为每个问题其实都没有得到深度的解答,因此,建议同学们将四个问题认真分析,把两分钟的演讲按照提示问题分成四个三十秒钟的回答,这样的答案结构清晰,易于考官理解,并且每个问题因为有三十秒的限制,都能够得到较为详尽的解释,给考官信息量丰富的感觉











When it comes to this topic, I would talk about a photography studio which has a weird name called Papapu, it’s also the name of the owner’s dog and he thinks that it’s prettycatchy and easy to remember.

I know this place because the owner of the studio, Jack, is my high school classmate and I would say that he is a very talented and passionate photographer, he showed great interest in taking photos since high school, he always had his camera with him when there was a big event like our graduation party, he took an awesome photo of me in a pretty dress and I still have it.

His studio mainly takes wedding photos for couples, wedding photos are kind of a big deal for the young people in China. They would spend a fortune on a set of creative and fashionable photos to be the reminder of their sweet love.

I think this company is successful because Jack is a wonderful photographer who always tries to push his own limit and take the best photos. Before he starts to work, he would always talk to the couple and get to know them a bit more so that he can capture the most unique side of them. I’m pretty sure that he would be my photographer the day when I get married.


kinds of snacks do you like to eat?

it healthy to eat snacks?

your parents allow you to eat snacks?

was the most popular snack when you were young?

kinds of snacks do children in your country like to eat nowadays?


思路:关于snacks这个题,与之相类似的关于food的题目还是很常见的,很多答题的点可以相互借鉴首先我们需要明确一下snack的定义:A snack is a small portion of food eaten between meals. The food might be snack food—items like potato chips or baby carrots—but could also simply be a small amount of any food.(quoted from Wikipedia)我们发现对于snack的定义还是很广的我们能想到的符合定义的食物包括potato chips, chocolate, ice-cream, cookies, shrimp chips, nut, fruits and vegetables, low-fat dairy products等等有的相对健康,有的也对健康会有一定的危害然后根据自己的立场选择喜欢还是不喜欢,给出对应的例子和原因就OK啦



yummy/ tasty 美味的

For girls, it is a good idea to carry some snacks in case of low blood sugar (低血糖).

Helps to outlet pressure when feeling nervous

I have a sweet tooth. 馋~


Unhealthy/ obesity肥胖/ tooth decay 蛀牙

1. Do you like eating snacks?

问题类型:like/ dislike

Like: I like/ enjoy/ am into/ am a big fan of/ am crazy about…/ am obsessed with/ am addicted to…

Dislike: I dont like…/I am not into/ I cannot stand/ something is not my thing…

Yes, I have to admit that I am crazy about eating snacks. Every time I go to the supermarkets, I buy myself loads of snacks, and I even buy snacks online, Amazon or Taobao. I have a huge sweet tooth, I am kinda addicted to chocolates and ice-cream.

2. Is it healthy to eat snacks?


Well, it really depends on what types of snacks we are talking about now; some of the snacks are quite wholesome, like fruits and low-fat dairy products, which are very nutritious; whereas eating some snacks like potato chips and shrimp chips might lead to obesity.

3. What was the most popular snack when you were a child?

问题类型:经历+general question


答题结构:分类讨论(boys vs. girls)

Well, I guess it varies from gender to gender, for boys they might enjoy eating some snacks like fried shrimp chips or burgers; but for girls, I assume every girl has a sweet tooth, ice cream, lollipop, chocolates are popular among them.

kinds of snacks do children in your country like to eat nowadays?

问题类型:general question

答题结构:分类讨论(boys vs. girls)/ 对比过去

Well, I guess it varies from gender to gender, for boys they might enjoy eating some snacks like fried shrimp chips or burgers; but for girls, I assume every girl has a sweet tooth, ice cream, lollipop, chocolates are popular among them.

Or:Well, I have to say that the types and choices of snacks for children now have changed greatly. In the past, children normally could only choose some local-produced snacks, but now, some introduced snacks are quite popular among kids.

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