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发布时间:2022-12-21 08:36:45
1 雅思 口语好消息的范文




Describe a piece of good news you heard from others

You should say:

What it was

When you received this news

How you received the news

And explain why you thought it was a good news


How do people share good news?

How does modern technology affect the delivery of information?

When do people share good news?

What kinds of good news have you received before?

What kinds of good news do people like to hear?

Why do some people share news in social media?


The exciting news that I heard over the phone was the birth news of my nephew. My mother called me on my cell phone when I was away from my hometown and that’s one of the most exciting news I have ever got in my life. I was in the second year in my university and because of that I was away from home. One day my mother called and gave me this happy news. I had an exam ahead of me and after getting the news I was so happy and thrilled that I forgot everything and came to my hometown at that very night to see the newborn baby. I have two sisters and I am the youngest son of my parents. My sisters got married and soon she was pregnant and would have a baby.

Having a baby at our home was a much-desired dream of ours and I often fantasised to have a beautiful baby at our home. So we were counting days for the baby to come to this world. At the last few days of my sister’s pregnancy, she became very ill and some complexities appeared as the doctors reported. Naturally, we were very anxious for the mother and the baby who is yet to come. When I got the call from my mum that my sister has become the mother of a beautiful baby and both are fine, I was in one hand very happy and on the other hand relieved from the tension that I was going through for the last few days.


a trip that you plan to go soon/in the near future(即将进行的旅行).

You should say:

- Where do you want to go

- Who would you like to go with

- What would you do there

- And explain why you would like to go there



1. 时态

将来时和虚拟语态是学生最容易忽略和用错的部分。常用will 和 be going to代替所有未发生的事情。正确使用虚拟语气,是这片话题的关键。出了基础的使用情态动词,其他表示不肯定的,假设的词组如:if possible; I suppose等也都要学会灵活使用。

2. 最后一个问题


3. 基础信息回答



Well, I would like to describe a place that I want to go in the future, that will be the Bumbum island in Malaysia. This place, I think you may not very familiar with, it’s not like world famous, But you know what, it is a must-goattraction in Malaysia.

One amazing thing about the Bumbum island is that some people who went there before said the view there is just out of this world. So, hm...if possible, I would like to go there with my family maybe next year,by taking the plane of course, because it’s not that pricey for the ticket to go ,m thinking maybe during one of the holidays like the National Day Holiday, because everyone in China gets 7 days off. So I could take the advantage of that period of time

Talking about what I would do there, you know, there’s one thing Iwould definitely do, which is taking the helicopter, and going on a panoramatour of the island. I know this because one of my friends who has been therebefore and posted like tons of photos on social media. When I saw those photos,the awesomeness really took my breath away. You know even saw those photos I got goose bumps all over me. The water, the sky, the bush and the cottage,everything is just spectacularly beautiful, and indescribably amazing.

So, I would like to go there in the near future and I believe I would have an amazing time. Thank you, that’s all I wanna talk about today.


Describe a competition you want to take part in

You should say

What it is

When will it take

Where will it take



Well, I’m a couch potato so I watch a lot of TV programs everyday. Recently, I was attracted by a singing competition on TVand hope I can take part in it. It’s called The Voice of China, it is a Chinese reality talent show on Zhejiang Television.


The series consists of three phases: a blind audition, a battle phase, and live performance shows. The four judges/coaches choose teams of contestants through a blind audition process…

…Each judge has the length of the auditioner's performance to decide if he or shewants that singer on his or her team. In the final phase, the remaining contestants compete against each other in live broadcasts. The television audience and the coaches have equal say in deciding who wins the championship.

I have been wondering if there are anysinging opportunities like a competition or open band something like Super Girlbecause I have been singing here in China for a long time and I’m pretty goodat singing. Everyone around me says I’m a born singer because of my vocalability. I do hope I can step on the Voice of China stage and sing melodicsongs to catch the attentions of the audiences.

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