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发布时间:2022-12-21 20:44:37
1商务 英语 谈判口语对话

I think it unwise for either of us to be inflexible. How about meetingeach other halfway?我认为我们都这么强硬很不明智。我们能不一能各让一半?下面介绍商务英语谈判口语对话,希望可以为您带来帮助。


Seller: This is our rock-bottom price, Mr. Lee.


Buyer: If that's the case. there's not much point in further discussion. We might as well call the whole deal off.


Seller: What I mean is that we:ll never be able to come down to your price. The gap is too great.


Buyer: I think it unwise for either of us to be inflexible. How about meetingeach other halfway?


Seller: What's your proposal?


Buyer: Your unit price is 100 dollars higher than we want. Well, I suggest wemeet each other half way.


Seller: Do you mean a further reduction of 50 dollars in our price? That'simpossible!


Buyer: What would you suggest?


Seller: The best we can do is another 30 dollars off. That's definitely the lowest we can go.


Buyer:That still leaves a gap of 20 dollars. Let's meet each other

half-awayagain and split the difference; I think this is a price we can

both besatisfied with.


Seller: OK. We can meet half way again.



A: After probation , you'll find that our silk products feel more comfortable than others'.

B: How about this product selling from last month on?

A: It's selling like hot cakes , and we have lots of regulars now. Would you like to place a trial order?

B: Amm. Well, can I have a try of the sample free of charge?

A: Yes, we have the free samples for customers. And you can have a try.

B: Thank you. We'll order once we try the sample.

A: Please wait a moment and fill out the order form. And we'll send you our sample.

B: OK.

A: 试用后,您就会发现我们的丝绸产品比其他商家的都要舒服很多。

B: 从上个月起,你们丝绸产品销量怎么样?

A: 炙手可热,我们还有了一些回头客。您是否愿意下试用订单?

B: 我能免费用用你们的试用品吗?

A: 可以,我们给客户提供免费样品,您可以试一试。

B: 谢谢,试用后我们会订购。请稍等,请您填一填订单,我们将把样品给您寄过去。

A: 好的。


A: We have been here for about five days and I have to leave now.

B: OK! You know you're always welcome here. Did you enjoy your stay?

A: Yes, we have a very pleasant time. Thank you for being so nice for us.


B: It's our pleasure. And is there anything else we can do for you before you leave here?

A: No, thanks. You've done a lot for us. Thank you for everything.

B: Don't mention it. Oh, this is a small gift for you.

A: Oh, thank you. It's very kind of you.

B: We hope you could visit our company again.

A: We're sure we will. And welcome to our corporation next year. We're expecting you.

B: OK! We'll definitely go to visit your company.


1. corporation 公司

2. definitely 明确地;确定地

3. "don't mention it"的意思是“不必客气”,同义词还有"you're welcome""it's my pleasure"等。

送客户的时候可以说"have a nice flight 旅途愉快"

A: 我们已经在这里五天了,必须得走了。

B: 随时欢迎你们。你们这几天过得怎么样?

A: 很愉快。谢谢你们照顾得这么周到。

B: 我们应该做的。在你们走之前还需要我们做些什么?

A: 不用了,谢谢!你们已经为我们做了很多了。感谢你们所做的一切。

B: 不客气。对了,这是一份送给你们的小礼物。

A: 谢谢!你们太客气了!

B: 我们希望你们能再次前来参观。

A: 我们一定来。也欢迎你们明年来我们公司,期待你们的来访。

B: 好的,我们一定去拜访。


A: Good morning! May I help you?

B: Good morning! Is Mr. Smith in? I'm Cheng Jun form China National Petroleum Corporation. I'd like to see him.

A: Do you have an appointment with Mr. Smith?

B: Amm. No. I have an urgency to talk with him.

A: Wait a moment, please. I'll tell his secretary that you are here.

B: Thank you.

A: I'm sorry. He is holding a meeting till ten o'clock.

B: It's nine o'clock now. And I wait for him.


“appointment”与“date”的意思都是“约会”,但是含义不同。“appointment”常用于商务会谈中,是比较正式的预约;而“date”仅指一般性的约会。比如:He has an appointment with the doctor this afternoon. 今天下午他和医生有个约会。 He dated his girlfriend on Sunday. 他和他的女朋友在周日有约会。

A: 早上好!有什么为您效劳的吗?

B: 早上好!请问史密斯先生在吗?我事中石油的程军,我想见他。

A: 您和史密斯先生有预约吗?

B: 没有,我有紧急事情要和他谈谈。

A: 请等一下。我告诉他的秘书你来了。

B: 谢谢。

A: 抱歉,史密斯先生正在开会,得到十点会议才结束。

B: 现在是九点,我等他好了。

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