

机构未认证 全国统一学习专线 8:00-21:00

位置:勤学思培训网CSDPAL » 培训新闻 » 资格考试 » 金融 » 证券从业资格 » 终于知晓描写桂林的英语作文


发布时间:2022-12-26 15:57:12



It was Summer. l came to Guilin by train. As soon as I left the station, a few minutes' bus ride took me to the "Hill of Elephant Trunk". The Hill of Elephant Trunk is very big and really like an elephant drinking water. The city of Guilin is small. Looking up, I saw mountains around and in front of me. All of the houses seemed to be at the foot of the mountains.


The water of the Li River is clear and green. Many ships harbour at the part, which is very near, only a few yerds' away. I went to the seven star park and got on the seven star rock. Inside the cave is a magnificent sight. The thousand-year-old stone olocks, the stone bamboos, with the explanation of Miss Guide. become alive and glisten in I came to the "Camel Hill", which is exactly like a camel. I wanted to ride on its back. The wonder of Guilin lies in its natural beauty, without any artificial element. I rowed in the river and enjoyed it greatly. The rain falls and the mountains are enveloped in steam and fog.


Guilin, the small city is unique and like a water color painting, especially a Chinese painting. I want to actualize my potentiality to add to its color.

桂林,是一个充满水墨色彩的水城,更像一幅中国画(Joozone Note:水墨画,国画),我要将我所能想到的颜色都添加到桂林山水中去。


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