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位置:勤学思培训网LBGNBG » 培训新闻 » 文体艺术 » 爱好 » 小主持人 » 总算知晓雅思口语购物类话题


发布时间:2022-12-03 00:55:08
  雅思口语购物类话题,“打折季”、“处理销售”、“买一赠一”这些与大众考生不同的切入点会让考官眼前一亮。新通教育资深老师认为我们也可以在商场规模和喜欢的品牌上大做文章。注意,如果描述网络购物的弊端时考生需要详细地列出原因,如:无法感觉商品的质地,无法目测实际的大小,无法试穿等,否则考官一定会问“why”。 [图片0] 雅思口语购物类话题常见问题

  Do you like shopping?   Where do you usually go for shopping?   Who do you like to go for shopping with?   How do you think of window shopping?   Did you buy anything online?   How do you think of online shopping?   How often do you go shopping?   Do you like to buy things in the supermarkets or in the big shopping malls?   Do you like the famous brands?   When do you usually go shopping?

Do you like shopping?
  Shopping is a necessary part of my daily life. I like shopping not only for purchasing some fang- stuff, but more like enjoying the time with friends. Criticizing brands or selecting a style is the true spirit of shopping.
  亮点1 fancy staff:高档货。
  亮点2 Criticizing brands or selecting a style is the true spirit of shopping:评判各种品牌的好坏或筛选各种风格才是购物的精髓所在。这句话不是Nick自己编的,而是一位经常逛街的女士给出的心得。如果你面对的是一位女性考官,相信这句话的威力就更大了。
Where do you usually go for shopping?
  I love to go shopping in some second-hand stuff markets. Comparing with buying new things, I do prefer to make the old stuff alive. It's a piny to see some old picture frames or other furniture got thrown into trash.
  亮点1 make the old stuff alive:化腐朽为神奇。alive是活着,鲜活的意思。
  亮点2 picture frames:画框。
  亮点3 got thrown into trash:被扔进垃圾箱。trash是垃圾的意思,在这里寓意是垃圾场,垃圾箱。

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