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位置:勤学思培训网LBGNBG » 培训新闻 » 中小学 » 高考艺考辅导 » 艺考文化课 » 终于明了雅思口语动物类话题


发布时间:2022-12-03 01:01:54
[图片0] 雅思口语动物类话题常见问题:
  Are you a pet person?   Have you ever kept any pets at home?   What is your opinion about hunting?   Can you see birds from where you live?   Do Chinese people like birds?   What is your favorite wild life animal?   What animals can you see around the place you live?   What is the biggest reason for someone to kill some precious animals?   It is good or bad to keep the animals in the zoo?   What are the disadvantages of keeping pets?
Are you a pet person?
  Yes, I am a pet lover. I am completely defenseless in front of those adorable creatures. I believe there is a connection between human and other animals so that we are all attracted by those naive and innocent looks.
  亮点1 am a pet lover:我是个的宠物爱好者。
  亮点2 attracted by those naive and innocent looks:被那天真无辜的模样所吸引。look有时候也有表情的意思。
What animals can you see around the place you live?
  My community was built at 1980s, which means the majority of residents are seniors. We can see all kinds of dogs, Alaska, husky, bull dog, you name it. Well, of course, we have to clean up the bonus once in a while, you know what I'm saying.
  亮点1 Alaska, husky,bull dog:阿拉斯加,哈士奇,斗牛犬。秀出几种具体的犬名会让人眼前一亮。
  亮点2 bonus:奖励,意外的奖赏。其实在这个地方各位从前面的。lean up也猜得出这“额外的奖励”肯定是小动物们留下的地雷。
  亮点3 you know what I'm saying:你懂的!

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