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总算清楚酒店英语 预定房间

发布时间:2022-12-05 09:52:19
国际英语小编为您整理了日常工作及生活中常用、简单、同时也是令人头痛的英文表达方法,以对话方式表现使用时机与用法,让每个读者,都能轻松听说,今天为大家整理酒店英语 预定房间

Mrs Sparks: Bertha, are you free now? Bertha: Yes, what can I do for you? Mrs Sparks: Mr Harry will visit our company next week Can you reserve a hotel room for him? Bertha: Of course. Can you tell me the exact time for his arrival? Mrs Sparks: According to the schedule, he will arrive at the airport Next Tuesday. Bertha: And could you tell how long he will visit our company? Mrs Sparks: Three days. I guess. Bertha: Well. I will do it right now. (Bertha culls the phone number of Future Hotel. ) Receptionist: Future Hotel, is there anything I can do for you? Bertha: Hello, I would like to make a reservation for three nights next week, from Tues- day to Thursday. Receptionist: All right, single or double room? Bertha: Single one with a bath room. please. Receptionist: We have a single room available. Bertha: Have you got one room with a view overlooking the park. if possible? Receptionist: Let me check. We have a room with bath available. And it overlooks the park. Bertha: What's the price for one night? Receptionist: 578 yuan a night. plus VAT. including air-conditioner and TV. Bertha: Does that include breakfast? Receptionist: Yes, it includes English breakfast. Bertha: Yes, that's fine. Could you hold it for me? Receptionist: Yes. What's your name? Bertha:My name is Bertha. I am the secretary for ACD Company. And I book the room for Mr Harry from London. Receptionist: What time will he be arriving on next Tuesday? Bertha: I am not sure. Could you tell me what is the best way to get to your hotel from the Airport? Receptionist: We shuttle bus from the Airport. I think he can take it. Bertha: OK ! Receptionist: I have made notes of the room number and the date. Would you like to confirm the reservation? Bertha: Yes, please. Receptionist: Room 808. Tuesday to Thursday. Is that right? Bertha: Exactly. Thank you very much.

斯帕克斯:贝莎,你现在有空吗? 贝莎:有。您有什么事情? 斯帕克斯:哈利先生下周将来我们公司,你能为他预订一间房间吗? 贝莎:当然,您能告诉我哈利先生来到的确切时间吗? 斯帕克斯:根据行程表,他将在下周二到达飞机场。 贝莎:他在这里将待几天呢? 斯帕克斯:我想应该是三天。 贝莎:好的,我现在就预定。 (贝莎拨通了Future宾馆的电话。) 接待处:这里是Future宾馆,有什么可以为您服务的吗? 贝莎:你好,我想预订一间房间,时间是从下周周二到周四。 接待处:好的,是单人间还是双人间? 贝莎:单人间,并配有浴室。 接待处:我们正好有一间单人间空着。 贝莎:您的单人间有没有那种能看到公园风景的? 接待处:让我查看一下。我们有这么一间配有浴室,并能俯瞰公园全景的房间。 贝莎:那么一晚上要多少钱呢? 接待处:每晚578元,并包含增值税,还有空调和电视。 贝莎:这费用中可包含早餐呢? 接待处:是的,它包含英式早餐。 贝莎:好的,这个正好。您能帮我预留这一房间吗? 接待处:好的,您叫什么名字? 贝莎:贝莎,我是ACD公司的秘书。我是为来自伦敦的哈利先生预订这一房间的。 接待处:他下周二具体什么时候到达呢? 贝莎:这个我还不能确定。你能告诉我从飞机场去你们那儿的方式吗? 接待处:我们有专车接送客人。您愿意确认一下信息吗? 贝莎:好的! 接待处:下周二到周四,808房间。没错吧? 贝莎:没错,非常感谢。
其实想要提高英语口语,根本的方法就是多说多练,比较好是拥有一个良好的英语环境,并且要知道外国人的语言特色,多练练国际英语小编整理的酒店英语 预定房间,希望能帮助大家提升英语口语。

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