

机构未认证 全国统一学习专线 8:00-21:00

位置:勤学思培训网CSDPAL » 培训新闻 » 语言培训 » 小语种 » 德语 » 终于懂了机场接待客户英语


发布时间:2022-12-05 10:03:14

Wharton: Good morning. do you have any spare time now? Cheney: Well, Mr Wharton. What can I do for you? Wharton:As you know. Mr Thompson will arrive at our International Airport at 10:00. Can you help me to receive him at the Airport? Cheney: No problem. How many people in his company? Wharton:I phoned him yesterday and he said he would come with his assistant and his wife. Cheney: What's the number of his flight? Wharton:Let me check my memo. Well. the number of his flight will he TF 904. Cheney: What's the time now? Wharton:It's five past nine. Cheney: OK! I will go to the Airport straight now. Wharton:Remember to bring a board with his name on it. Cheney: I nearly forget it. (Cheney stands at the exit. expecting the appearance of' Mr Thompson and lifting the board with Thompson on it. ) Thompson: Excuse me, are you expecting me? Cheney: Are you Mr Thompson from America? Thompson: Yes. I am. And you are? Cheney: I am Cheney from Chenxing Company. As my superior is having an important meeting, I expect you here. Thompson: Nice to meet you! Thank you for meeting me at the airport. Cheney: Me too! Thompson: Now let me introduce my assistant and my wife. This is my assistant. John. Cheney: How do you do? John: How do you do? Thompson: And this is my wife. Jane. Cheney:Welcome to our city. Jane:Thank you for your hospitality. Cheney:Let me help you with your luggage, Mrs Thompson. Jane:Thanks, I can manage it. Cheney:Did you have a good flight, Mr Thompson? Thompson: On the whole, it is not too bad. 沃顿:早上好,你现在有空吗? 切尼:有,沃顿先生。有什么事情吗? 沃顿:你知道吧,汤姆森先生10点钟就到国际机场了。你能帮我去机场接他吗? 切尼:没问题。他们有几个人同行? 沃顿:昨天给他打电话了,他说夫人和助理会一起来。 切尼:他们的航班是多少? 沃顿:哦,我看看我的备忘录。是TF904航班。 切尼:请问现在几点了? 沃顿:9点5分。 切尼:好!那我现在就直接去机场吧。 沃顿:记得拿块牌子,写上他的名字。 切尼:我差点忘记了。 (切尼站在出站口,举着一块写着“汤姆森”的牌子,等着汤姆森先生出现。) 汤姆森:请问,您是来接我的吗? 切尼:您是美国来的汤姆森先生吗? 汤姆森:是的。你是? 切尼:我是Chenxing公司的切尼。我的上司今天有个重要会议,所以让我来接您。 汤姆森:非常感谢。很高兴见到你。谢谢你来机场接我。 切尼:我也很高兴见到您。 汤姆森:请允许介绍一下我的夫人和助理。这位是我的助理,约翰。 切尼:你好。 约翰:你好。 汤姆森:这是我的妻子简。 切尼:欢迎您。 简:谢谢您这么热情。 切尼:汤姆森夫人,我来帮您拿行李吧? 简:谢谢,不用了,我自己可以的。 切尼:汤姆森先生,旅途愉快吗? 汤姆森:总的来说,还可以。 其实想要提高英语口语,根本的方法就是多说多练,比较好是拥有一个良好的英语环境,并且要知道外国人的语言特色,多练练广州国际英语小编整理的机场接待客户英语,希望能帮助大家提升英语口语。

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